After eight years of race baiting, it would seem that Hillary Clinton is finally looking to reap the benefits of the racial unrest and incivility President Obama’s policies have created. Using the recent police shooting of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, OK, she’s vowed to “tackle” racism in the nation’s law enforcement system.
Assuming she’s not lying about this, it would actually be the first time that she’s taken responsibility for her own actions. After all, she did help create the racial divide currently plaguing America.
It’s also important that everybody take in the irony of this situation. She’s claiming that she’s going to clean up corruption in the nation’s law enforcement system. There’s nothing quite like watching the blind lead the blind. Hillary’s mere presence in a police department would be an insult to the good men and women who protect and serve.
Like everything, this is also white people’s fault.
Read why on the next page.
More blacks are killed by blacks than whites so you have your facts wrong more blacks are killed by blacks!!!!!
ROTTEN lying Hilary Clinton still proving she is brain dead
We can’t have an honest conversation with a liar like Hillary. REGISTER and VOTE TRUMP/PENCE
she keeps going for the racism card……i have a black grandson and he doesnt care that i am white and i dont care that he is black….but i dont like someone like hilary to keep reminding us of a problem, and several years i kept a black baby for a black Dallas cop and that baby loved me as much as her mother and she didnt know i was WHITE……and i was raised by a old time baptist preacher from the south and he didnt raise me to be prejudice ….God created us all and God is no respecter of persons… or white we are all the same inside…..the way hilary keeps talking about racism is a slap in the face for black and white people, all she wants is money and power ……she supports Islam and Islamic people are equal opportunity killers they will kill all Americans black or white….
The racism is coming from the blacks and the left!!!!!
black on black crime is by far the biggest problem
Who listens to Hillary? Nobody with any sense.
I don’t need this lying sack of you-know-what speaking to me about anything!
She is such an idiot
She needs to understand…there are more of us than them.