After eight years of race baiting, it would seem that Hillary Clinton is finally looking to reap the benefits of the racial unrest and incivility President Obama’s policies have created. Using the recent police shooting of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, OK, she’s vowed to “tackle” racism in the nation’s law enforcement system.
Assuming she’s not lying about this, it would actually be the first time that she’s taken responsibility for her own actions. After all, she did help create the racial divide currently plaguing America.
It’s also important that everybody take in the irony of this situation. She’s claiming that she’s going to clean up corruption in the nation’s law enforcement system. There’s nothing quite like watching the blind lead the blind. Hillary’s mere presence in a police department would be an insult to the good men and women who protect and serve.
Like everything, this is also white people’s fault.
Read why on the next page.
Her brain is really confused; isn’t she supposed to be telling the black thugs to stop being criminals and hate mongers!
This$#%&!@*wins im fucking up her supporters.
She what? She has no effective message for anyone. Her credibility is in the sewer.
I guess next she’ll lecture husbands on fidelity.
So you want us to start shooting them more??? OK ⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔
you need help all the dirty things youve done and got by with
We white people didn’t shoot. WE are not racist, but you are.
If America is on the right track according to Democrates, then why do they burn the flag?
Maybe it would be better to stop the crimes!!!!