After eight years of race baiting, it would seem that Hillary Clinton is finally looking to reap the benefits of the racial unrest and incivility President Obama’s policies have created. Using the recent police shooting of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, OK, she’s vowed to “tackle” racism in the nation’s law enforcement system.
Assuming she’s not lying about this, it would actually be the first time that she’s taken responsibility for her own actions. After all, she did help create the racial divide currently plaguing America.
It’s also important that everybody take in the irony of this situation. She’s claiming that she’s going to clean up corruption in the nation’s law enforcement system. There’s nothing quite like watching the blind lead the blind. Hillary’s mere presence in a police department would be an insult to the good men and women who protect and serve.
Like everything, this is also white people’s fault.
Read why on the next page.
Guess we will have to make sure that all cops travel in pairs. One black and one white. then when they accost a crimina,l the black one can shoot the black criminals, and the white one can shoot the white ones. BLM never complains about black on black violence so that would cover it. Well and body cams to record and broadcast on UTube.
According to the latest Harvard study by a black professor it was proven that THERE IS NO RACIAL BIAS IN POLICE SHOOTINGS. it also said that BLM should seek solutions in their own community rather than trying to change the behavior of police. HILLARY YOU ARE A RACE BAITER AND THAT IS WHY YOU WILL NOT WIN THE WHITEHOUSE$#%&!@*
Let’s…just for once….blame the criminal, the thug, the jerks that disrespect the law for the consequences of their own actions.
So funny
Boy Scouts to you Hillary! Do what a policeman tells you to do and you’ll be able to live another day. Either you or the BLM movement doesn’t understand English or Black Life Matters to much to do what you are told to do. In all circumstances have a friend , wife or better yet have a policemans body cam to see if he told you more than twenty times to put what down. Gun, cigars, books, ankle gun, BLM fist and so on. By all means sue the town since they hired uneducated policemen that went through months of training to be a certified policeman, able to carry a gun and deal with your claims. You might even get a Statue built and dedicated to you. Oh, I forgot to say, Make all of your relatives rich. How’s that BLM! What did you get out of all of this? Oh, you’re dead! Thanks for making your relatives rich! BLM made it where we can see your statue everyday as we come and go. As a policeman (I’m not) I am going to protect myself, the public, your family, your mom, dad, kids and any other color out on the streets or elsewhere. I know that you don’t care for me because I’m the man in blue. Since you’re the BLM movement! I sure get a lot of calls when your husband, boyfriend wife, prostute, drug dealers and many more have needs for help. Why do you call me? When you can’t stand the sight of me. Please call Obama and just tell him your problems. He said he would meet you anywhere. Give him a call and stop wasting my time. I have people to help that really need my help. It feels good to be needed. All Lives Matter! Not just the BLM.
How about Hillary to talk directly to black thugs about resisting and attacking police!
Shes just mad, like the hatter.
First of all, I don’t know what plant your on, but lets go back 40 years shall we! So we start with Nixon a Republican! Was found to be a crook and was impeached! Gerry Ford a Republican who talked out the back of his$#%&!@*and did absolutely nothing for the country! Jimmy Carter a Democrat! Probably the most honest president this country ever had! After he got out of office he spent the next 40 years swinging a hammer by helping the poor! Ronald Reagan a Republican! Raised taxes 11 times, contributed 2.7 trillion dollars to the deficit almost destroyed the unions in this country, which is a large part of our work force and paid Iran to get our prisoners back! He cut and ran from Libya after 243 marines got killed! George Bush Sr. Republican! A thousand points of light on a hill! He left us at the bottom of the hill after raising taxes for the middle class and cutting taxes for the rich! Bank scandals and people losing jobs and homes! Bill Clinton a Democrat balanced the budget cut the deficit in half and created more jobs than any Republican! George Bush Jr. A Republican! Dragged us into war under false pretenses which is still going on today! Tanked the country so bad that we almost went bankrupt! We were losing 750,000 jobs a month under his watch! Barack Obama a Democrat! Saved the auto industry! Created 15 million jobs and cut unemployment in half! Bailed out the country from going into a depression! Brought gasoline down from over $4.00 dollars a gallon to a little over $2.00 a gallon today! 45,000 Americans were dying every year cause they had no health care, but now we have basic health care for Americans! Last but not least this country is a racist country, all you have to do is look at the Republicans the day after Obama was a elected! They said they will do whatever they have to do to make him a one term president! They said he wasn’t an American that he was born in Kenya and he was a Muslim! For 5 years they said that! Cartoons of the president walking down the street as a monkey! Showing him throwing spears! You haven’t got a clue what this country is about! You people don’t care about America. You care about yourselves first!
Maybe if the cops didn’t shoot people cause their so trigger happy we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess! What about the woman cop who shot the unarmed black man a week ago! She’s going to jail for manslaughter idiot!