If Hillary Clinton is allowed to become president, the United States is liable to become a dystopian society that combines the worst of both 1984 and Brave New World.
In the eyes of the former Secretary of State, there is no problem too small for the government to stick its nose into (well, aside from abortion or, as she and her supporters call it, “a woman’s right to choose”). Everything fits within the purview of the state, and anyone who disagrees must be some kind of anti-social deviant likely to engage in criminal activity.
This is why most of Hillary’s policy proposals involve the government taking a greater role in the life of the individual. From welfare to healthcare, she is a progressive’s progressive who thinks she knows better than any of her fellow Americans about anything. And included among these Americans, of course, are parents.
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They need to be drug tested before she’ll abuse them.
She would be the most anti family want to be president ever
President Hillary Clinton i love you
She will take away the right of control of your own kids because of sharia law. Wake up they take the kids and marry them off to old man who believe in sharia law kids that are 8 or 7or 9 yours old and older children wake up this goes a lot deeper then we all know. Look around ask your self. Why are they bring in all those people they know dam well the type of people they are look up Europe that’s what going on there it not on the news to keep it from us.
You gotta be kidding me?
How a bout drug testing for the members of Congress.
Melania Trump is a hypocrite because she wants to help the children. Hillary is for the children and has been for 30 years! Hillary is also for late term abortion and selling of aborted baby parts. Late term abortion when a doctor sticks a needle into a baby’s head and socks out his brains and sells his organs. This is NOT what MelaNia Trump wants to do! How can any sane women think that Hillary is FOR THE CHILDREN?
They have to escape from the womb first. Who is the HYPORITE??
a hole.