If Hillary Clinton is allowed to become president, the United States is liable to become a dystopian society that combines the worst of both 1984 and Brave New World.
In the eyes of the former Secretary of State, there is no problem too small for the government to stick its nose into (well, aside from abortion or, as she and her supporters call it, “a woman’s right to choose”). Everything fits within the purview of the state, and anyone who disagrees must be some kind of anti-social deviant likely to engage in criminal activity.
This is why most of Hillary’s policy proposals involve the government taking a greater role in the life of the individual. From welfare to healthcare, she is a progressive’s progressive who thinks she knows better than any of her fellow Americans about anything. And included among these Americans, of course, are parents.
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A drug test for little kids, but no drug test for welfare or food stamp recipients? Really??
Well, being an egomaniac would be good. His large ego will not let him to be a lame president. Trump 2016!!!
Because Obama is as big a pile of excrement as Hillary.
Larry Sorensen , I heard an I got so sick !!
We need someone to step up and be another Oswald. If voting doesn’t stop this thing, then more drastic action will be needed. But I cannot believe there are enough insane people to vote this thing into office.
The wicked witch of the east coast. Over my dead body will you poison anyone I love. Filthy F-ing POS
I saw an article that the elderly should be careful of the flu shot, and it could be a way of killing off the elderly and we know she owns and controls the drugs being produced.
I’m with you. No way is this gonna happen
You$#%&!@*you WILL STAY AWAY FROM MY KIDS. You ain’t seen crazy.
Remember the liberal democrats want to disarm and leave you defenseless. So that it will be easier to usher in their Marxist agenda.And bring in RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, words they won’t even say. To kill you and your kids.Remember this when you head out to vote.