Hillary Clinton is taking a victory lap, and having a victory party. Clinton, who testified before the Benghazi committee last week, was overjoyed with the main stream media’s reporting that she came out “unscathed”. The main stream media is reporting based on emotion, reporting “Hillary was presidential”, “unwavering”, “in control” and the worst yet “she just won the presidency”.
Crazy. Clinton’s emails finally cleared up the whole video excuse was a lie. Her emails detailed her knowledge that absolutely she knew that it was a pre-planned attack, as she emailed her family the night of the attack, stating a terrorist group like Al-queda just attacked and killed four Americans in Benghazi. Worse was her correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton supporter who works for the Clinton Foundation making 10,000 a month. Blumenthal was giving Hillary direct orders on how to tout the “Clinton Doctrine” after the fall of Gaddaffi in Libya.
Volumes of emails went between the two, Clinton and Blumenthal, with Blumenthal giving Hillary advice on how to handle Libya, giving her details of his business holdings in Libya, and ultimately instructing her how the Clinton Doctrine in Libya would be her shining achievement, something she needed to promote. It would give her needed credentials to run for President. Something to think about-this Clinton Doctrine- when you put the dots together as why Benghazi could not be a planned terrorist attack.
More on Hillary’s victory lap next page
Hillary you are just an old joke
can someone just slap her already- I’d slap her stupid but she’s already there- disgusting
Hillary Clinton belongs in prison
Yeah, since the party went bankrupt Humphry lost to Nixon the marxist seem to have grown in number takeing reighn in the Democratic party but every one knows now…and they are on the way out. When the tycoon gets things in the black, the currency will increase in value..and constitutional thinking will result as with something to protect, ie geting a good cut of what we work for, then there is greater need for rational thought. prehaps.
You are my monkey and therfore my circus. Get a grip on reality please. Your logic, behavior, and responses are utterly reprehensible and tearing our country apart. The GOP is worse. They support Saudi Arabia and many other terrorist countries not to mention the wars,oil, insurance, healthcare, destroyed education and job opportunities. If you vote GOP then you are therefore voting for terrorism. In this case you have ruined my country enough. And like before I am a marine and you know what we fight for.
Ahahahahha just look at your next president
makes me want to throw up every time i see that stupid cow !…put a cigar in her mouth !