When your ego and a sense of entitlement are of the magnitude of Hillary Clinton’s, it’s excruciating to be out of the political spotlight. Recall that this is the woman who gave every indication that she believed that the presidency was rightfully hers. Since she lost the election, as her reasoning goes, she must have been robbed.
Perhaps the only characteristic that exceeds her arrogance is her desire for vengeance against those she perceives have obstructed her. Getting between Hillary and a political goal of hers is dangerous business indeed. One must question if there is anything should would not do or tacitly authorize to remove those obstacles.
Truth of course, is irrelevant to her, and is something to be employed only by the politically naive. There really is no such thing as corruption, at least in her strategies, since the ends justify the means.
With that very brief summary of the life and and philosophy of Hillary Clinton, it comes as no surprise that she’s ready to return to political life six months after her devastating defeat to President Trump.
Just lock her up if she wont take her gate pass and go away
Right. She sent her money overseas to protect it and with the investigation going she is pretending she is broke, needs funds so let’s resist.
Their motto ” Resist common sense ” for them this is most appropriate ,don,t ya think ….
As usual, you liberals whine about$#%&!@*you have no proof of. The free, fair election is over and Trump won. Now it’s time to consider sending Hillary to prison. And there is proof that she sent classified emails to non classified Individuals. A federal crime. So don’t talk about free and clear when the$#%&!@*also stole the election from Bernie. Also admitted to by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Your unsubstantiated claims, aka whining don’t stand up to real evidence. So sit down and shut up.
Isn’t that like a terrorist group? She is really mentally ill$#%&!@* Face it, I know it’s hard for you too except loss, but I don’t care. You lost because your a socialist scum bag. We don’t need another Obama. Now, Hillary Clinton is that proff enough how an why you lost!
Please just go away…
She’s a lil late
Do you think she has any goal in mind or just a sick lust for power no matter who pays?
Hillary Clinton stealing Popular vote
A real class act….