Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence stopped in Baton Rouge on Friday to meet the victims of Louisiana’s latest flood. While the President has turned a blind eye to their suffering, Trump, the man the media makes out to be a monster has proven to be anything but that.
“I hope everyone in Louisiana knows that our country is praying for them, and standing with them to help them in these difficult hours,” Trump said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina on Thursday.
President Obama has given no indication he will interrupt his two week vacation in exclusive Martha’s Vineyard to visit the flood victims. The president played another round of golf Thursday with television star Larry David and Bain Capital co-managing partner Jonathan Lavine.
On Wednesday the Baton Rouge Advocate called on President Obama to take a break from his vacation and visit Louisiana.
“The optics of Obama golfing while Louisiana residents languished in flood waters was striking. It evoked the precedent of the passive federal response to the state’s agony in 2005, a chapter of history no one should ever repeat.”
And what about Hillary Clinton? What has she done for the victims of this horrible flooding. Much like the president, she seems to care very little. She did, however, one up Obama. At least she tweeted about it. Again, where’s the critical response by the media? Notice the double standard.
I say Donald Trump President all the way the American way. The only way.Take it to the top.No Ifs and No Buts About It. Lets go all the way.VP Mike Pence. Go Donald Trump all the way to the white House.
Hillary is a Lying, morally corrupt ,scumbag, intent on feathering her own nest at any cost, even at the expense of American lives. She should be held accountable for her treasonous and illegal actions. If this were any other citizen, they would have been imprisoned a long time ago. What happened to our constitution where everyone is accountable under the law? Our system is now so corrupt under this administration, that anything goes and is acceptable. It is unconscionable, unacceptable, morally wrong and we the people need to stand up to this tyranny, before Hillary lies herself into the presidency and destroys this great nation forever. We have the ability to determine the future of our country, if we stand united and vote for Trump in November. If we do not and Hillary wins, we will have no one to blame, but ourselves. God bless America.
This divisive president, the worst in our history, not only flies $400 million in cash, to the largest state sponsor of terrorism, but released known Islamic terrorists back onto the battlefield. He also promotes and allows, sanctuary cities to protect illegal violent felons, and open borders, while allowing thousands of unvetted, potential jihadist terrorists, into America. If there is any proof that any of these evil beasts, take a single American life, then obama should be held accountable, as a accomplice to the murder. He has also created more debt (doubling our National debt) than ALL presidents before him combined. The economy has NEVER been this low, than what it is under his so called leadership Obama has caused more damage and more racial division than and invading army ever could have.He is either totally inept, or he has an agenda to permanently damage our country and it’s people. Hillary is a Lying, morally corrupt ,scumbag, intent on feathering her own nest at any cost, even at the expense of American lives. She should be held accountable for her treasonous and illegal actions. If this were any other citizen, they would have been imprisoned a long time ago. What happened to our constitution where everyone is accountable under the law? Our system is now so corrupt under this administration, that anything goes and is acceptable. It is unconscionable, unacceptable, morally wrong and we the people need to stand up to this tyranny, before Hillary lies herself into the presidency and destroys this great nation forever. We have the ability to determine the future of our country, if we stand united and vote for Trump in November. If we do not and Hillary wins, we will have no one to blame, but ourselves. God bless America.
You figure two people that tried to absolutely destroy the last President for not visiting Louisiana following a major natural disaster would be the first two on the plane there after the latest one, but nope. PBO’s too busy golfing and enjoying his much needed time off in Martha’s Vineyard on yet another tax payer funded vacation and Granny Hillary’s tired and needs a nap. Meanwhile the “racist$#%&!@*clown” is there with food, water, and toys for the kids – prohibiting even his own press corps from publicizing the relief efforts… yea we know what a REAL leader looks like no matter what the blame-stream media tells us…
Trump is already blaming a rigged system and the media for his upcoming November loss to Hillary Clinton. As his poll numbers continue falling, Trump’s laying out reasons why he suffered the worst electoral college vote loss in U.S. history:
• media bias, Hillary’s also criticized
• taken out of context, even when quoted
• treated unfairly, Hillary’s treated unfairly
Trump is endorsed by the worst of the worst:
• Fox News
• Rick Perry
• Sarah Palin
• Ted Nugent
• Mike Pence
• Mike Tyson
• Ann Coulter
• Oliver North
• Stacey Dash
• John McCain
• Rudy Giuliani
• Chris Christie
• Newt Gingrich
• Clint Eastwood
• Dr. Ben Carson
• Katrina Pierson
• North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
• Russian President Vladimir Putin.
• Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.
Top fellow Republicans consider Trump unqualified to be Commander-in-Chief:
• he doesn’t have the maturity, judgment, temperament.
• he’s now attacking Hillary’s health.
• mocked a handicapped reporter.
• attacked a Gold Star Family (Captain Khan’s grieving parents)
• said we need more nuclear countries.
• implies America is no longer great.
• invited Russian espionage to find Hillary’s emails.
• yelled at crying toddler
• interrupts and talks over interviewers.
• wants to dissolve NATO.
• Trump presidency won’t defend NATO allies against Russia.
• throws Twitter temper tantrums.
• flip flops constantly
Trump lies 75% of the time:
• says 58% of African Americans unemployed (Trump included 18 year olds still in highschool)
• stated President Trump, “will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all its forms” (Trump has proposed multiple Muslim bans)
• blames media for taking him out of context (even when directly quoted)
• states Hillary receives special government favors (gives no specific credible examples)
• declared President Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen.
• said President Obama has no American birth certificate.
• said Ted Cruz’s father helped Oswald assassinate JFK.
• President Trump will stand up to and bring jobs back from China (wears Trump ties from China, wears Trump shirts from Bangladesh)
• announced Justice Scalia was murdered (died sleeping, natural causes)
• said Hillary’s emails killed Iranian scientist (scientist publicly outed himself 2010, Hillary left Secretary of State 2013)
• called Indiana born judge a Mexican (judge born to Mexican immigrants)
• never gives financial/construction details of his proposed Mexican wall.
• will build wall to keep out illegals, but hires illegals
• saw $400 million Iranian money drop video (no video exists)
Trump is very smart:
• Trump tweeted Scotland loves Brexit (Scotland voted against Brexit)
• Trump stated his Presidency will prevent Russia from invading Ukraine (Russia already occupies Crimea)
• called would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley, David Hinckley.
• when asked for policy specifics or tough questions, Trump pivots
• called former Virginia Governor, Vice Presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine, New Jersey’s Governor.
Trump makes outrageous statements:
• Trump says most African Americans on food stamps.
• Trump states ISIS which formed in 1999, was founded by Obama who was elected 9 years later, in 2008.
• President Trump will get rid of Obamacare (offers no Obamacare alternative)
• proposed extreme vetting of Muslims entering the US.
• Trump states Hillary cofounded ISIS.
• Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers.
• said John McCain is NOT a war hero because he was captured.
• Trump presidency will kill both terrorists and their families.
• will punish women for abortions.
• women ooze blood.
• if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he’d date her.
• will pay legal fees for those who beat up Trump protesters.
• Secret Service met with Trump after his inappropriate 2nd Amendment Hillary comments.
Trump exhibits narcissistic personality disorder:
• sued twice for failing to rent to African Americans
• Trump to African American voters, “What do you have to lose by voting for me?”
• has sacrificed nothing, and no one.
• says he’s pro-military, no Trump child currently or has ever served the military.
• says he’s pro-police, no Trump child currently or has ever served any police department
• says he’s the Law & Order candidate
• won’t release tax returns during audit, IRS states tax returns can be released during audit.
• Trump University Ponzi scheme.
• dodged Vietnam military draft.
• Trump states his own wealth’s a strength, Hillary’s wealth is nefarious.
• filed bankruptcies to avoid paying employees.
• begrudgingly endorsed fellow Republican party leaders Ryan and McCain.
• personally insulted every adversarial Republican, and Democratic Presidential candidate.
• demands Hilary’s emails and speech transcripts, Obama’s birth certificate and college transcripts, Romney’s tax returns, but refuses to show his own taxes or release private information.
Trump wants to be President but gives adversaries childish names:
• Hillary Clinton: Crooked Hillary
• Ted Cruz: Lyin Ted
• Marco Rubio: a Little Guy
• Jeb Bush: a Lightweight
• John Kasich: a Stubborn Old Man
Trump wants to be President but has serious personal issues:
• has 5 babies by 3 baby mamas.
• currently married to 3rd wife.
• multiple affairs and divorces.
• Melania stole Michelle Obama’s speech.
• Criticizes illegal immigrants, wife Melania illegal immigrant.
• says Melania has 4 year Architecture degree but won’t release college transcripts.
• prior to RNC speech, palmed Ivanka’s hips onstage at Republican Convention.
Had Trump won, Melania Trump would have been the first, First Lady who posed completely nude.#NeverTrump
And then there is Obamas gov’t saying Louisiana won’t get fed help:
why is this race always about 3 people instead of 2….. Obama is done… forget him….
Trump is the man.