Despite Widespread Outcry Clinton Defends Planned Parenthood.
Hillary Clinton continues to amaze as one of the leading political contortionists. In a sit down interview the the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper, she noted how disturbing the recent Planned Parenthood videos made her feel. Then she immediately turned and defended the organization. To read her bizarre comment move on to the next page.
Going to Jane’s plastic surgeon I believe
Can’t stand her
Evil supports evil!
Of course she does…she’s an abortion…
Hillary must believe in selling body parts.Hillary you arent fit to be President.You are a white Obama.
Just like Obamacare
Of Course She’s a Sicko Liberal POS !!
Slippery snake
Our nation is under judgement. It is going to get worse. (Romans 1-current events with emphasis on vs. 28) “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.”
Well well $#%&!@* hilary shows her true colors. First Bingasi then planned parenthood. Shes as bad as TRAITOR obama. They both takeing us to Communisam.