She plainly stated the ongoing series of shocking undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue was “disturbing.” She noted that is raises serious questions about the entire process on a national basis. However, her subsequent comments were deplorable as she then turned the tables to heartily defend Planned Parenthood and even mentioned her longstanding connection with them.
Clinton stated flatly, “I have seen pictures from them and obviously find them disturbing”.
The Democratic presidential frontrunner then went on:
“Planned Parenthood is answering questions and will continue to answer questions. I think there are two points to make. One, Planned Parenthood for more than a century has done a lot of really good work for women: cancer screenings, family planning, all kinds of health services. And this raises not questions about Planned Parenthood so much as it raises questions about the whole process, that is, not just involving Planned Parenthood, but many institutions in our country.”
“And if there’s going to be any kind of congressional inquiry, it should look at everything and not just one (organization),” she said. – To see more of her commentary click here.
To see her say it, click here
It would appear that Hillary is doubling down on her stance, believing that this situation will either blow over, drawing attention away from the more personal issues dogging her, or that her base of support will stand by her through this latest buffeting of her shaky campaign. Time, and more videos, will tell.
Photo: Marc Nozell on Flickr
Liar liar pants on fire!
Killary and $#%&!@* and obamas..all the same
Murderous felon
and tomorrow she’d flip like a fish out of water — what ever will move her agenda…… what-ever is in the spot light at that moment she’s for it >>she still has to be held accountable for Benghazi << and any other of her many screw - ups she's a lying sack of c**p and a phoney
Yes, because she is a devil from hell.
I belief has been that there is not a bad person, just good people that make bad decisions. “I am sorry”, Hillary Clinton IS a bad person! It makes my stomach turn to think she is even an American citizen. How someone can demonstrate such corruptive, unethical, “ILLEGAL”, and deceitful behavior and at$#%&!@*ude is beyond me! What is even more bizarre is she knows the country and the world know this, they do not trust, or believe in her and she continues this behavior with no regard to the damage she is doing to herself personally and professionally!
I don’t think she has, or can come up with a truthful and answer or explanation as the word truth is completely foreign to her, not to mention she thinks she is above it, as she does EVERY law in this country and I am confident the world as well!!
This is Hillary Clinton! She is a contortionist in that she can take rational and logical explanations and twist them into a pretzel that make sense only to her because she lives her by continuous lies, and the most unethical, and literally criminal behavior no human being could ever be though to be capable of!!
She would evil follows evil