Hillary does not believe in freedom for those who don’t agree with her position on abortion. If American religious freedom must be forcefully removed in order for socialist zealots to kill more unborn babies then Clinton is there to grease the wheels (assuming the Clinton Foundation gets the appropriate donations).
In a speech in 2015, Hillary told her audience at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that a person’s “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” so that women could have access to abortion on demand at any time. Though she framed it as reproductive health care and safe childbirth, everyone knows that she was threatening the pro-life movement to shut up or be shut up.
She continued her freedom remarks by saying that laws, in this case abortion laws, have to be “backed up with resources and political will”. In her mind, taking away the rights of those who don’t agree with her is profoundly more acceptable in her “advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone.”
Fortunately, the Internet doesn’t forget! Her speech can be seen in the video on the next page.
Watch and share! It is crucial to understand her immoral intentions and to spread the word:
This might be the only thing she’s ever done that I agree with the magic space man cults need to just fade away into history
Nine investigations: zip, zero, nada. Never indited, never convicted. Mccarthy was he only honest Republican: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.” Your outrage over four sad deaths is politically motivated and the Americn public knows it. It does not matter to you that every military person who was asked said there was nothing that ANYBODY, much less Hillary, could hve done to save the four who were murdered. Blame the real guilty party and help work for ways to prevent the same from happening in the future, rather than cynically trying to make political hay out of a tragedy. Respect Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens family, who do not respect the Benghazi profiteers. Try blaming the killers for a change.
Hilbitch! You take your ideologies about changing our minds and religious beliefs and shove it where your brain used to be got that?!
The only religion Hillary Clinton holds true to is one that will put more money and power in her hands no matter what she has to do to get them.
Killary better go see a shrink
I’m sorry but; I really hate this woman. I can’t help it. What she has done and is doing is just awful. Somebody please put her in Prison Now!
It don’t matter who they put in thare not nether one of them is going to touch my guns are take my guns because if they try they better bring a lot of body bags behind them
Juanita Arnold There is utter religious freedom in the military. It is guaranteed by the 1st amendment. Problems occur when military personnel use their position to force others to practice their beliefs. That does happen. There are officers that are very devout believers and they think that they have the right to say Muslim prayers with their subordinates, a captive group. That is not legal. It is not allowed by the Constitution. If Obama supports enforcing the Constitution, that does not in any way mean he is attempting ‘to remove religion from the military”. Nothing protects your right to worship as you please like defending the 1st amendment!