Hillary does not believe in freedom for those who don’t agree with her position on abortion. If American religious freedom must be forcefully removed in order for socialist zealots to kill more unborn babies then Clinton is there to grease the wheels (assuming the Clinton Foundation gets the appropriate donations).
In a speech in 2015, Hillary told her audience at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that a person’s “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” so that women could have access to abortion on demand at any time. Though she framed it as reproductive health care and safe childbirth, everyone knows that she was threatening the pro-life movement to shut up or be shut up.
She continued her freedom remarks by saying that laws, in this case abortion laws, have to be “backed up with resources and political will”. In her mind, taking away the rights of those who don’t agree with her is profoundly more acceptable in her “advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone.”
Fortunately, the Internet doesn’t forget! Her speech can be seen in the video on the next page.
Watch and share! It is crucial to understand her immoral intentions and to spread the word:
democrats are anti-Christian!!
Thinks she will campaign in hell like this??
Unless ur mislim
This stupid b**** wants us to denounce our Christianity!! This is more proof she is a Muslim convert
U have lost what’s left of ur mind u crazy$#%&!@*how much medication are u on u freak?
If you are Gay, why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in 1,000’s of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed.
If you are Black, why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood when they want o abort as many black babies as possible. Exterminate the black race because they are like “weeds”. Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
If you are a Christian, why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Lucifer, The Devil. She says he was and still is her mentor.
If you are a Veteran, in the military, or closely related to a military member, why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again. They called for help but the help was told to stand down.
If you have factory job, why are you voting for Hillary when she supported TPP and factory works are being laid off because jobs are going over sees. Don’t forget the deals she made with china. She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits with your tax money.
If you are poor, why are you voting for Hillary, when she is supporting Wall street and all the big banks. Big banks keep the poor, poor by destroying the poor man’s credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich. Taking as much of the little money you earn.
If you are a woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bills rape victims under the rug including the little girl that was raped when she defended the rapist and laughed about it later.
If you carry a gun, believe in the Constitution, how can you vote for Hillary when she wants to eliminate the NRA, Take your guns, and abolish the second amendment.
If you breathe, why would you vote for Hillary when she has left a trail of dead people that did not agree with her or knew too much!
Who is left?
Made me mad then makes me mad now. Audacity doesn’t even begin to explain her words.
She on the right Highway, to Hell,
She on the right Highway, to Hell,
Destruction and death to America