Hillary does not believe in freedom for those who don’t agree with her position on abortion. If American religious freedom must be forcefully removed in order for socialist zealots to kill more unborn babies then Clinton is there to grease the wheels (assuming the Clinton Foundation gets the appropriate donations).
In a speech in 2015, Hillary told her audience at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that a person’s “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” so that women could have access to abortion on demand at any time. Though she framed it as reproductive health care and safe childbirth, everyone knows that she was threatening the pro-life movement to shut up or be shut up.
She continued her freedom remarks by saying that laws, in this case abortion laws, have to be “backed up with resources and political will”. In her mind, taking away the rights of those who don’t agree with her is profoundly more acceptable in her “advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone.”
Fortunately, the Internet doesn’t forget! Her speech can be seen in the video on the next page.
Watch and share! It is crucial to understand her immoral intentions and to spread the word:
You will lose
Picking a fight with God is pure stupidity! You are a real loser, Hillary!
You people still believe in the WOMAN CARD and wanna vote for this$#%&!@* Better vote Trump and save our country while u can.
Everyone voting for Trump., spread the word were all wearing RED on election day.. That way news and everyone will see the DROVES of TRUMP SUPPORTERS going to the polls… I heard that alot of the polls have been polling more democrats than republicans.. So of course Hillary will be ahead.. The corrupt main stream media wants us to believe shes winning so much. THAT WE DON’T GO VOTE…. SO MAKE SURE YOU VOTE. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR VOTE CALCULATES IN THE COMPUTER AND GET A RECEIPT. TAKE PICTURES. BRING EVERYONE ,FAMILY, NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS…. WEAR RED
You mean Christianity, she’s in the muslims robe pocket.
Why should she care, she don’t have none.
NO, THE WHOLE GOVERNMENT HAS ALREADY DECLARED WAR ON CHRISTIANITY!!! Started with taking Prayer out of School, Taking the Ten Commandment, off the courthouse walls, etc etc etc all before Hillary ran!!! She is continuing the Governments War, so get the title and FACTS Correct!!!!
Example: churches forced to allow gay marriages.
NO matter what go vote for Trump. Polls are rigged If you vote Trump will win in a landslide.
Why don’t you just vote now and get it over and done with this is just fuct up