You don’t have to spend a lot of time browsing the Internet before finding something ridiculous, hypocritical or downright false Hillary Clinton has uttered. Her latest comments come from a Labor Day speech in Illinois that made her sound like a dictator instead of a presidential candidate. Apparently she believes it was unions who created the middle class. Once again, Hillary has her facts mixed up.
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in Benghazi she is for murder since 3 months in a row they pleaded for help but she did not care n they died then blamed video when it was not the case it was about something that is topsecrete and she did nothing but lie!!!! PRISON FOR KILLERY OR I WILL BRING HER TO COURT FOR THE MURDERED!!!!
she can not do anything once a felony is committed
she deserves 20 to life for 3 murdered people she had responsibility for!!!!
get in line lay
Why is she not in jail yet? Anyone else would be?
So the Queen can throw someone in Prison for a Crime that doesn’t exist on the books?
Several felonies have been committed, but she is still running for President of the United States!!!!. Granted, the crimes have been swept under the rug, but there is so much stuff “under the rug” that people are beginning to take notice.
She should put herself in jail because we are going to put her there!
She needs to be jailed for all her crimes.