You don’t have to spend a lot of time browsing the Internet before finding something ridiculous, hypocritical or downright false Hillary Clinton has uttered. Her latest comments come from a Labor Day speech in Illinois that made her sound like a dictator instead of a presidential candidate. Apparently she believes it was unions who created the middle class. Once again, Hillary has her facts mixed up.
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she needs to go to prison for her lies and being a traitor
What a joke she is !!!!!!!
This is great. Go Hill!
Imprison her for TREASON and MURDER< then.
She will jail employers? Really? Good grief………employers pay your salary, ask Hillary why she thinks she should not be in jail……perjury is a crime, lying to the taxpayers is deplorable and the phony Clinton foundation that funnels money to her campaign is illegal!
How about we the People send Hillary “Killer” Clinton to Jail for Murder, Theft of Taxpayers Money, and Treason!
she needs to be in jail for all that she has done
What do you call five hundred thousand dollars for a speech?
how is she going to do that from JAIL herself???
hopefuly it is truth, she is a fraud n distinctly lieing and server she said was for bill when president which is another lie!!!! people need to keep bring up her lie’s n her eraseing of emails after being asked for them!!! totally dead in water she goes to jail for multiple felonies!!!