Hillary Clinton has let her idiocy show again, this time in the form of a word-slip during her latest campaign speech. If you’ve been paying attention to the news in recent days, you’re probably aware of President Obama’s executive order that will not only prevent employers from asking about prior criminal history but also make ex-convicts eligible for government subsidies.
While Hillary was promoting a similar agenda that’s basically what President Obama is doing, she accidentally replaced the word “prisoner” with “president”. That might be the best example of irony any politician has made in quite some time.
See the video on the next page.
We remember!
That’s the only history she has! Nothing but a criminal!
She is a disease!
Hillary is a POOR example of HONESTY! Wants to let those running for Presidency not have background checks!
Even going to apply for a high job would want to know the background of an applicant!
And that includes criminal acts!
Only a criminal would say such an UN American thought!
No Video??? No ‘believe’ this post? Although, if anyone is dumb enough to actually make this statement… it would be Hillary.. LOL
LOL. Isn’t this the same bimbo complaining because Trump didn’t release his tax statements?
But hiding criminal history is just fine? Wow.
Nuttiness from a nut!!!!!!!!
because so may of their are crooks!
There probably weren’t any Presidents with criminal history until Obastard came along. And, then of course, there would have been you. And it’s ironic, really, Clinton. You LOST the election BECAUSE of your criminal history. And, by the way, YOU DID NOT DISCLOSE ANY OF IT. Kind of like your pathetic “Trump needs to accept the outcome of the election, because it is a threat to our Democracy if he doesn’t”. You think (and apparently so does Congress) that you are above the law.
You know that it is a really stupid, pathetic group that can’t even win when they cheat!