Hillary Clinton has let her idiocy show again, this time in the form of a word-slip during her latest campaign speech. If you’ve been paying attention to the news in recent days, you’re probably aware of President Obama’s executive order that will not only prevent employers from asking about prior criminal history but also make ex-convicts eligible for government subsidies.
While Hillary was promoting a similar agenda that’s basically what President Obama is doing, she accidentally replaced the word “prisoner” with “president”. That might be the best example of irony any politician has made in quite some time.
See the video on the next page.
This woman thinks everyone is stupid to believe her
Is she for real????
You ain’t President honey until you’re President and now you know why you didn’t get the coronation you expected. Forget “your” criminal activities, it’s your mentality that did you in as well. Lay off the booze!
Ha ha ha . Truth slips out
she is an idiot – we all are aware of that.
The Constitution states that the only test for a presidential candidate (or president) is their age and citizenship status. So even their criminal history, race, religion, sex, wealth status, political bent, etc., can not be considered. She may be technically right but they don’t disclose if they are a criminal or not anyhow, it’s the media that digs up all the dirt! By the way, has anyone noticed that those 10 women accusing Trump of harassing them sexually have vanished? Never made mention or police report way back when when it happened, and now the election is over and they see nobody cares, they realize they aren’t going to become famous or get blackmail money out of Trump, they vanish back into the woodwork. You could tell just by the timing that it was a Clinton stunt anyhow. Otherwise some of them would have come out with it when he first started his run for office.
…….the smoker you drink the player you get, Hillary. Presidents should have to bear their very souls. Most of them have had no issue with selling theirs. My goodness. Obama’s the last one to pull that “guess my history” BS on us too. While Congress just looks away.
Regarding Hillary saying this…..Bull$#%&!@* They should disclose and be prosecuted FIRST!