Hillary Clinton Painting Triggers Service Dogs, Shuts Down Art Festival

Hillary Clinton Painting Triggers Service Dogs, Shuts Down Art Festival

I have a colleague who swears by the motto “I never trust a person if they dislike dogs, but I always trust a dog if they dislike a person”.

Now his grand Husky Thalia might be a rare breed, yet the more I interact with dog owners the more I find this saying to hold true.

However, you might not want to tell this to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not only is the She-Devil repulsive to humans, but apparently animals as well.

There are more cases than one can almost name of dogs alerting their masters to murders, and fighting to the death to shield their families from danger.

Canines are associated with being able to detect “demons” and evil spirits. Just not in the way Prophet M. tried to explain to his followers.

Head on over to the next page to learn what unfolded at Art Basil in Miami Florida when two security dogs caught whiff of a Hillary Painting.

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Hillary Clinton Painting Triggers Service Dogs, Shuts Down Art Festival