If there’s one thing that Hillary Clinton has proven time and time again during her political career, it’s that she can’t be trusted. You have a better chance of surviving a swim with sharks while covered in paper cuts than you do of getting the truth out of Hillary’s mouth. And yes, everybody lies, but not everybody gets people killed and endangers the lives of Americans when they lie. Her latest scandals, the Benghazi incident and the email servers are proof of that claim.
Now she’s trying to dismiss claims that she’s sick, despite the photographic evidence of her handler not only holding a Diazepam pen but also using it on her when she’s appearing to have a stroke. Various sources around the Internet and the media have been trying to debunk these rumors. Even television host Jimmy Kimmel has had a go at it.
Monday night on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Hillary stopped by the studio and answered some questions about her health. Apparently opening a jar of pickles proves she’s not sick.
Watch the video on the next page.
What a load of C**P!
a 90 year old can open a pickle . A PRE OPENED JAR.
Of the two candidates running for president…
Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.
Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.
Only Hillary Clinton deleted 30 some thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed.
Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals.
Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people.
Only Hillary Clinton was involved in ” Cash Cow ”
Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals.
Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband’s sexual harassment ( and rape ) accusers.
Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.
Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.
Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.
Only Hillary Clinton was labeled ” Extremely careless ” about national security by the FBI !
Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class.
Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election !
Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.
Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.
Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.
Only Hillary Clinton has no real accomplishments after a lifetime in politics.
Only Hillary Clinton has never created any jobs.
Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.
Only Hillary Clinton has had two or more movies and several documentaries made about her questionable ethics.
Only Hillary Clinton called then President Bill Clinton $#%&!@*sucker” in front of the ( SS ) Secret service.
Only Hillary Clinton was called “Broomstick one” by the SS.
Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would of simply told the truth in the first place ! Fact – all facts !
Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her SS detail.
Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton over and over again.
But you are going to vote for her because…. you don’t like Donald Trump ? That is insane !
I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this woman.
Share, repost and copy and paste in comments over and over again until eventually this is read by …
The one and only Hillary Clinton !
Then that pickle had to die. Lmfao
Hillary for Prison 2016!!!
NOT sealed…NO pop? She cheated. Anyone suprised?
Be quiet. Nothing to see here.
She’s in a pickle alright !