If there’s one thing that Hillary Clinton has proven time and time again during her political career, it’s that she can’t be trusted. You have a better chance of surviving a swim with sharks while covered in paper cuts than you do of getting the truth out of Hillary’s mouth. And yes, everybody lies, but not everybody gets people killed and endangers the lives of Americans when they lie. Her latest scandals, the Benghazi incident and the email servers are proof of that claim.
Now she’s trying to dismiss claims that she’s sick, despite the photographic evidence of her handler not only holding a Diazepam pen but also using it on her when she’s appearing to have a stroke. Various sources around the Internet and the media have been trying to debunk these rumors. Even television host Jimmy Kimmel has had a go at it.
Monday night on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Hillary stopped by the studio and answered some questions about her health. Apparently opening a jar of pickles proves she’s not sick.
Watch the video on the next page.
Problablyhad it already loosened.
more effort went into opening a jar of pickles, then in saving the lives of the men who died in Benghazi Libya
Well what do you know, Hillary’s first accomplishment. How wonderful !!!
Wahoo she opened an already open jar of pickles ,whop de doo what an enormous battle that must have been !!!
Yeah but they forgot to say it had already been opened up so it wouldn’t be hard to open amen
Wow…when I go to the doctor to test my health there isn’t a jar of pickles anywhere!
That’s not my doctors procedure to determine my heath, must be a demo thing,
Oh Ok, but that doesn’t excuse lies and corruption, and gettting four men killed in Benghazi, or getting a rapist off and then laughing about it. Your Evil.
Just more of her BS
It does not change the fact that you are grossly incompetent. You are mentally disabled