Hillary trying to fit Planned Parenthood into a tweet to show support for one of her major backers, did not fool anyone. The tweet caught attention, but not the kind of attention Hilary’s supporters wanted.
Hillary, is a white, rich, privileged woman, trying to be a minority, poor, marginalized candidate. In fact, the three candidates left on the Democratic side are all white and rich. They are supposed to be fitting in to this crazed time in which the far leftists at campuses across the country are enacting “safe zones”.
A “safe zone” is where people can speak safely about their ideas. We think. It’s difficult to define anything of relevance Black Lives Matter or their off shoots are marching for, but Hillary is trying to fit in.
This tweet, which Planned Parenthood is included in as “pro-family”, set off a wave of negativity toward Hillary. And thus Hillary continues to struggle to say anything that is not taken as offensive or absurd.
more on Hillary’s tweet and reaction next page
Shared Post from Sandra L. Article III, section 3 of the Constitution “Any person who levies War against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with Arms, Troops, Transportation, Shelter, or Classified Information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.”
Under such Hillary and Obama has committed such with Benghazi, supplying arms to what is now ISIS.
Hillary has compromised classified information.
The Iran Deal has a subversive act of weakening the power of the United States.
The firing of long standing generals who oppose Obama’s leadership is weakening the power of the United States.
Anyone who supports the Iran deal are also in contempt of this provision in the constitution.
The President undermining and allowing illegal aliens in this country, has allowed criminals in this country, including ISIS members with oncoming ‘refugees’ and open borders…providing aid and comfort to these people. Clinton and Bernie sanders on National Television stated they want to give aid, free housing, free college to these illegal aliens and refugees. Such is all considered treasonous under our constitution for undermining the safety of this country and its citizens. The current Admin including but not limited to Mrs. Clinton have completely failed the American people applicable to the oath they swore to uphold. “TREASON”
Baby Hamburger = Hillary 666
ouch…doesn’t fit very well now does it.
If you kill the kids wheres the family dummy…
Leftism has eaten her brain away like a STD
She is as delusional as potus
8 Facts Hillary Clinton Would Make A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad President
1 – Benghazi: Four Americans Dead on Hillary’s Watch
Under her reign as Secretary of State Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were murdered when terrorists stormed the American compound in Benghazi, Libya. When she was questioned about the Obama Administration’s initial story that the attack was provoked by an anti-Islam
2 – Hillary Was Fired During The Watergate Investigation
Hillary was fired for her work during the Watergate investigation. As her supervisor at the time put it, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
3 – Hillary Aide’s Special Treatment
Huma Abedin, a “top adviser” to Hillary Clinton at the State Department (and wife of Anthony Weiner), was given a special arrangement that allowed her to earn money from a corporation formed by a Bill Clinton aide, and allowed her to serve in a role with the Clinton Foundation while she was a federal employee. Conveniently, Huma forgot to disclose the arrangement on the State Department financial disclosure forms. Oops.
4 – Playing Political Games With Foreign Policy
Hillary Clinton admitted her opposition to the troop surge in Iraq was politically motivated because she knew she would be facing Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2535513/Former-defense-secretary-says-Hillary-Obama-admitted-staking-Iraq-policy-2008-presidential-campaign-based-election-politics.html
5 – Scandal-mania
Many of the Clinton era scandals in the 90’s – including the opening up of 900 confidential FBI files of political opponents – cast Hillary in a suspicious light. Nothing was proven, but you know how that goes
6 – First Lady Fail
Hillary’s health care plan bombed so bad it cost the Democrats control of Congress, including control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years.
Many of the Clinton era scandals in the 90’s – including the opening up of 900 confidential FBI files of political opponents – cast Hillary in a suspicious light. Nothing was proven, but you know how that goes.
Hillary Clinton admitted her opposition to the troop surge in Iraq was politically motivated because she knew she would be facing Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary.
7 – You Mean a Lawmaker is supposed to Pass Bills? U.S. Senator Hillary accomplished exactly nothing. Not a single piece of landmark legislation to her name.
8- Veterans
Hillary’s blatant lack of supporting veterans!
•She voted against killing an unsuccessful 2006 amendment (S. Amdt. 4781) that called for $2 million in additional funding for Army imaging equipment for use in diagnosing brain injuries [source: U.S. Senate].
•Clinton voted against S. Amdt. 3704 in 2006, an unsuccessful attempt to provide an additional $20 million in funding to Veterans Affairs medical facilities [source: U.S. Senate].
•Clinton voted against the successful S. Amdt. 1823 in 2003, which provided emergency funds, in part, for veterans’ health care [source: U.S. Senate].
I did not kill my two kids when they were born.. guess I am anti family?