Hillary trying to fit Planned Parenthood into a tweet to show support for one of her major backers, did not fool anyone. The tweet caught attention, but not the kind of attention Hilary’s supporters wanted.
Hillary, is a white, rich, privileged woman, trying to be a minority, poor, marginalized candidate. In fact, the three candidates left on the Democratic side are all white and rich. They are supposed to be fitting in to this crazed time in which the far leftists at campuses across the country are enacting “safe zones”.
A “safe zone” is where people can speak safely about their ideas. We think. It’s difficult to define anything of relevance Black Lives Matter or their off shoots are marching for, but Hillary is trying to fit in.
This tweet, which Planned Parenthood is included in as “pro-family”, set off a wave of negativity toward Hillary. And thus Hillary continues to struggle to say anything that is not taken as offensive or absurd.
more on Hillary’s tweet and reaction next page
shes nuts
Not going to be many families if you kill all the babies
BING DING CLANK,,,Hillary always running on all gears
So to be pro-family you have to support abortion …..that’s counter productive in all aspects and moronic to support abortion for families wtf
She does have STUPID wrote on her forehead!!!!
this gal loves to murder
Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate the black and minority populations..called them weeds and needed to be exterminated….she is Granny Killary’s idol….guess that tells you something….democraps want to keep blacks and minorites slaves to welfare so they can have votes.
Such a twisted since of moral values. Killing babies in order to make it easy on the mother is wrong. Birth control starts before the act of sex. Rape is not an excuse to kill. Yes bad for some. But remember. That child is part of you and your family.
You know hillery and obama
She drank too much liberal koolaid all these years.