Hillary trying to fit Planned Parenthood into a tweet to show support for one of her major backers, did not fool anyone. The tweet caught attention, but not the kind of attention Hilary’s supporters wanted.
Hillary, is a white, rich, privileged woman, trying to be a minority, poor, marginalized candidate. In fact, the three candidates left on the Democratic side are all white and rich. They are supposed to be fitting in to this crazed time in which the far leftists at campuses across the country are enacting “safe zones”.
A “safe zone” is where people can speak safely about their ideas. We think. It’s difficult to define anything of relevance Black Lives Matter or their off shoots are marching for, but Hillary is trying to fit in.
This tweet, which Planned Parenthood is included in as “pro-family”, set off a wave of negativity toward Hillary. And thus Hillary continues to struggle to say anything that is not taken as offensive or absurd.
more on Hillary’s tweet and reaction next page
Even without the Benghazi and email controversies – It’s absolutely sickening that Hillary is even a candidate for the presidency of The United States of America – Why are so many people still allowing themselves to be brainwashed by this evil-unethical-empty-disingenuous-dishonest-power-monger, the media and the Clinton machine? – She’s completely substance-less, yet if it we’re up to the media she would’ve long since been anointed queen by now.
Until the all the c**p finally started hitting the fan – It had been nothing but Hillary – Hillary – Hillary 24 / 7 / 365 – Hummm? – Wake up America! – Who’s been pushing so hard for her and why? – Could it be that Wall Street free-traitors, international corporations and foreign interests own and control our media?
Hillary hasn’t accomplished anything other than using the Monica scandal to leverage the Dems for future power – Oh yeah, but let’s not forget the accomplishments of her “foundation” and the fact that she is quite an accomplished lair – Bill Clinton, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman nor did I have unethical trade relations with that communist Chinese government.”
And let’s just ask Vince Foster about some of her previous indiscretions – Oh, that’s right – We can’t.
Hillary is only in it for herself and will say and spin anything just to get elected – And if anyone thinks that she’s ever going to do anything to help the American People and the Real American Economy, they’re sadly mistaken.
I’m not a fan of either party and have no preferences of race or gender, just that we get a president that will actually do what is in the best interest of the American people – And that’s certainly not Hillary, Jeb or any of the other bought and paid for puppets that their masters put out there for us.
Hillary and Jeb are nothing but Wall Street puppets – They’re both pro-outsourcing, pro-illegal aliens, pro-H1B foreign visa workers and certainly not what the American people need.
And just because I can’t stand Hillary, doesn’t mean that I like Boehner or any of the other free traitors on the other side any better – But, Hillary is definitely one of the worst of the worst.
Also she’s quite the women’s rights advocate – It’s okay for her “husband” to abuse his power to get women, but then when it comes to the surface it’s somehow those women’s fault – And by the way aren’t at least half of the aborted children female and would have grown up to be women?
She’s quite the hypocrite, isn’t she.
Even the puppet masters were starting to hedge their bets with Carly Fiorina in case Hillary doesn’t pan out.
The American People are sick and tired of our asinine traitorous politicians – It’s become painfully obvious that both parties are just doing the bidding of their masters, while lamely trying to look like they’re trying to represent us – Let’s face it, neither party really wants to fix the core issues like outsourcing, illegal “immigration” and the importation of foreign H1B visa workers, because they want the cheap labor – For way too many years now, all that either party has been giving the American public is lame political posturing, tokenism and rhetoric – They treat the issues as political footballs and just point fingers at each other or even worse yet, just ignore the real core economic issues altogether – They’ve used peripheral social issues for years to polarize and distract the American people to the left and the right, while they sold us out to other countries like communist China, India and Mexico with the complicity of both sides of the media who are owned by a handful international corporations.
We obviously need a change in this country – Because, since the free traitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.
If more Americans would have listened to Ross Perot back in 1992, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now – At least Trump, Carson, Sanders, Webb and Santorum are finally bringing some of the actual core economic issues out into the light of day.
The American People are angry and frustrated – Because for the last 25-years our government has allowed and enabled our country’s industries to get sucked out to countries like communist China, India, Mexico, etc and allowed illegal aliens and H-1B foreigners to continue to pour into our country and take away income-tax-paying American’s jobs and drive down wages.
Something has to be done because our current system is not working – Other countries like Germany, Japan, Sweden, Canada and China protect their domestic industries, citizen’s jobs and business and it’s about time that we start doing so as well.
Our leaders are supposed to be elected by the citizens of the United States of America to represent the interests of those citizens and the country itself – They are not supposed to be representing Wall Street, lobbyist, international corporations, the global marketplace (WTO, NAFTA, TPP, KORUS), foreign citizens, foreign interests or illegal aliens – And it’s about time all of our so called leaders started honoring that fact.
Enough of the bought and paid for puppets.
What the American people need are leaders that will put the best interests of our own people and country first and foremost – And Trump is the only one that can beat Hillary and appears to be the guy to get us headed back in the right direction.
What exponential stupidity.
Doesn’t she get ANYTHING right?
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
isaiah 5:20
King James Version (KJV)
Hillary you’re just a plain idiot and baby killer for money. Planned Parenthood kills babies for profit the donated money to Hillary’s campaign.