Hillary Clinton was late in returning to the debate stage after a commercial break. The reason? bathroom shyness.
Or at least, that would be the more polite reason to give, given the truth. The simple fact is that Hillary Clinton did not want to share a bathroom with Martin O’Malley spokeswoman, Lis Smith. No reason has been given by the Clinton campaign for why Clinton refused to share a bathroom with Ms. Smith.
But this is only the latest in a string of recent gaffes on the part of Hillary Clinton. She has recently said that Donald Trump is “ISIS’ best recruiter” and has been implicated with being involved in the Sanders’ campaign’s shutout from the DNC voter database.
Clinton is already proving to be as flagrantly uninterested in the interests of the average citizen as Barack Obama has been. This latest gaffe only proves how high her nose reaches.
Find out more about Clinton in the bathroom on page 2.
She couldn’t scrounge up 4 QUARTERS FOR THE DEPEND MACHINE!
Yet she backs this ntransgender farce and our children having to share their restrooms in school
She is one sick cracker!
hillary is trying to ignore a tightening noose. Hoping with each “new crisis” that people will forget, and it will go away.
More than two years later, the ugly truth about Benghazi continues to trickle out.
When is hillary going to be held accountable???
Notwithstanding what happened in BENGHAZI and her part in it before, during, and after. Emails that have surfaced from her “purged email server” paint a different story than the one we have been told.
She lied and perjured herself, under oath, before a Congressional hearing. That in itself is a FELONY.
Why has she not been indicted?
Who is protecting her?
Why is not this also being investigated?????
Add to that, “As of now, at least 671 emails that Mrs. Clinton sent or received through her private server contained classified material,” Fox News analyst Monica Crowley said. “Of those, at least four documents are extremely problematic here in this investigation. Of those, two reached the highest classified designation, which is top secret.”
“One of those documents, which has been publicly disclosed, contains satellite data about North Korea’s nuclear weapons program,” Crowley said. “I am told that that particular document is an open and shut violation.”
How can people at this point seriously say they would support/vote for her.
At the very least, She has disqualified herself from running for any public office. She should be in jail.
Now she says that she intends to openly violate the Constitution using Executive Orders to go around Congress.
Incredible . . .
I guess it’s ok if she lies under oath.
Anybody else would be in jail by now, but they haven’t even charged her. One set of laws for us, but a different set (or none) for her ? ? ?
I wonder what would happen if everyone Called their Congressman and/or Senator and asked them to explain why/how hillary can get away with lying (under oath) at a Congressional hearing.
$ 100 million.
Just one of the people. NOT!!
Next wear depends.
Her depends got stuck.