Hillary Clinton was late in returning to the debate stage after a commercial break. The reason? bathroom shyness.
Or at least, that would be the more polite reason to give, given the truth. The simple fact is that Hillary Clinton did not want to share a bathroom with Martin O’Malley spokeswoman, Lis Smith. No reason has been given by the Clinton campaign for why Clinton refused to share a bathroom with Ms. Smith.
But this is only the latest in a string of recent gaffes on the part of Hillary Clinton. She has recently said that Donald Trump is “ISIS’ best recruiter” and has been implicated with being involved in the Sanders’ campaign’s shutout from the DNC voter database.
Clinton is already proving to be as flagrantly uninterested in the interests of the average citizen as Barack Obama has been. This latest gaffe only proves how high her nose reaches.
Find out more about Clinton in the bathroom on page 2.
What a lousy person she is!!
Maybe she’s transgender?
Wow and she wants transgender men to share womens bathrooms
She didn’t want to get caught doing her crack.
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But you expect kids to do it in schools
and yet the liberals want to allow anyone who claims to be transgender into girls locker rooms and womens rest rooms
she couldn’t use a bathroom someone else used. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
High School Girls Don’t Want Transgender Student in Their Locker Room
15 and 16-year-old girls speak candidly about why they don’t want a transgender student in their locker room: “What bothers me is the fact that this student is still anatomically a male.”
She would run or ruin our country with this kind of action