The Clintons became (in)famous throughout their political careers for trading quid pro quo favors to Wall Street, foreign governments and corporations, political allies, and even political adversaries.
Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash, details case after case of foreign governments and corporations donating money to the Clinton Foundation, only to receive lucrative kickbacks and deals from Hillary Clinton’s State Department from 2009-2013.
If past is prologue, Americans could expect more backroom deals between President Hillary Clinton and, well, anyone she could get into a back room.
If Donald Trump has mastered the Art of the Deal, then Hillary Clinton has mastered the art of the shady, corrupt, crooked, quid pro quo deal. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it?
This year, on the campaign trail, Clinton indicated her willingness — “strong desire” might be more accurate — to nominate a familiar ally to the Supreme Court. To see who Clinton would just love to see on SCOTUS if she moves into the White House — instead of the big house — continue reading on the next page:
My uncle was a judge in Las Vegas and never had a law license!
Nothing like bribing a sitting USPresident to insure your winning a rigged election
Obama doesn’t have time for the Supreme Court! It would interfere with his golf game!
Another great reason to make damn sure this whack job doesn’t get elected!
I have watch al the garbage with the eletion and Obama rule. I read Stealing America and reading Hillary’s America both by Dinesh D’Souza . if you really want to learn a bit of history and some what is happening today I suggest these two books for summer reading or go to the movie Hillary’s America. And decide where is election should go. Exspecially you never Trump people, undecided people, those who decided not to vote and those who don’t like Trump or Hillary. This election really isn’t about Trump or Hillary but about freedom our Contituion to we want to keep them or have someone tell us how to live our lives
Saying that will surely lose a lot of votes. Obama on the sc would be a diaster
I think her thoughts are running loops around her the holes in her brain caused by extensive cocaine use. But thats just me.
Kind hard to make scotus appointments when you’re in prison!
They were not disbarred. They can renew their licenses at any time. It us the normal thing for an attorney to not keep tgeir license current if they will not be practicing. Also…it is not a requirement to be a lawyer in order to sit on the Supreme Court.