The Clintons became (in)famous throughout their political careers for trading quid pro quo favors to Wall Street, foreign governments and corporations, political allies, and even political adversaries.
Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash, details case after case of foreign governments and corporations donating money to the Clinton Foundation, only to receive lucrative kickbacks and deals from Hillary Clinton’s State Department from 2009-2013.
If past is prologue, Americans could expect more backroom deals between President Hillary Clinton and, well, anyone she could get into a back room.
If Donald Trump has mastered the Art of the Deal, then Hillary Clinton has mastered the art of the shady, corrupt, crooked, quid pro quo deal. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it?
This year, on the campaign trail, Clinton indicated her willingness — “strong desire” might be more accurate — to nominate a familiar ally to the Supreme Court. To see who Clinton would just love to see on SCOTUS if she moves into the White House — instead of the big house — continue reading on the next page:
It would be nightmare every night if it happens
Nightmare on Elm St.
Back in the day, a married couple, the Rosenthals if memory serves me right, were put to death in the electric chair for giving secrets to Russia. Treason of course! It was in the late 1940’s I think. I’m a conservative, NRA member (who “clings to God, guns, and country” as Obama called us), and am a loyal Trump supporter! I am a low-key lesbian who learned how to respect, handle, and shoot a gun when I was around 7 by my WWII Army veteran dad. He did combat with the Japanese.
Vote for America people
Putting Obama on the Supreme Court would be like putting$#%&!@*on the Knessett
Ain’t that the truth! Happy Independence Day! ☆☆☆☆
Damn! What a “tangled web we weave”, and this rotten coruption obviously goes back to the 1970’s! I don’t know what to say. Disgusting, evil, vile, putrid… I pray that Trump wins! Our country can’t withstand more bilge from Clintons, Obama, RINOs, etc.
He actually wants to be the UN Secretary general
Was he dis barred?