The Clintons became (in)famous throughout their political careers for trading quid pro quo favors to Wall Street, foreign governments and corporations, political allies, and even political adversaries.
Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash, details case after case of foreign governments and corporations donating money to the Clinton Foundation, only to receive lucrative kickbacks and deals from Hillary Clinton’s State Department from 2009-2013.
If past is prologue, Americans could expect more backroom deals between President Hillary Clinton and, well, anyone she could get into a back room.
If Donald Trump has mastered the Art of the Deal, then Hillary Clinton has mastered the art of the shady, corrupt, crooked, quid pro quo deal. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it?
This year, on the campaign trail, Clinton indicated her willingness — “strong desire” might be more accurate — to nominate a familiar ally to the Supreme Court. To see who Clinton would just love to see on SCOTUS if she moves into the White House — instead of the big house — continue reading on the next page:
Killary and Obama for prison. Can I get a Oh-Yeah!!!
Hey, if that’s not future corruption beyond the imagination, I don’t know what is!!!!
END OF TIMES.!!!!open our eyes..God Help Us.
Bet that is in the deal to keep her out of jail. Wonder what happens to him and to her if she never makes it to the WH?
Jail should be both their next steps.
Sure she would…….not on my vote!!!
Sucking up to BO to ensure she won’t be indicted – or, at pardoned if she is.
that is 1 dumb bitch
He’s every bit as Qualified as she is! both having lost their License to Practice Law because of Dishonesty!
To keep the Constitution and serve the people.
Regardless if its Obama or Paul Ryan or the UN. Remember, (their) interest as globalizes and muslim is for the USA. to become a part of the Socialist NWO and muslim caliphate. Every time one of these Politics USA. treasonous, muslim, bought and paid for political globalists speaks or acts he or she is referring to the USA as a part of a socialist NWO caliphate muslim ruled under sharia law.
Do not be miss lead or fooled by their double talk.
The muslims are here, not because it is to the interest of the country or the people but to eventually take over and rule and reign by sharia law. If you are a Christian your head goes on the chopping block and your kids and property are up for grabs.
The politicians want your guns and ammo so as to make the take over easy. (“With as little destruction as possible”).
The racial strife and favoritism we are experiencing is to split the country and prepare the way for its political and economic takeover. Again more gun control to prepare the way for an easy takeover. The only thing that keeps you free is the Constitution and your guns.
You either wake up or you are going to be owned. This government will overthrow you with its phony UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS and force you to become a slave. Every day the UN or these politicians are allowed to do their thing in this country is a day they grow stronger and you become more venerable prepared for takeover. There needs to be major Constitutional investigations, arrests, and trials for treason. (NOW).
Jesus Christ is Lord.