According to Hillary Clinton, the half of the Donald Trump supporters who are the deplorables and the other half who are the irredeemables are also the ignorant, slack-jawed yokels who’ve never been outside of their own town, let alone their own country. To prove it, she’s talking down to you and me long enough to wag her finger in our faces about the very sad fact of our ignorance and deplorable nature. She’s trying to educate us, but we ridiculously uneducated rubes are simply too stupid to understand the subtleties of the world cultures. We are not of the brain capacity to know how much other people around the world despise us and want to kill us because of our ineptitude in accepting other races and lifestyles. I mean, honestly, you can’t blame them for wanting to blow us up with jihadists and cut off our heads. We’re just so damned intolerant!
My travels around the European continent were quite a different experience. While I didn’t have the advantage of a jet aircraft and a cadre of Secret Service agents, limousines, posh hotels, and statesmen and women to cater to my every whim, I did have the advantage of being a normal, everyday human being in a pub, delicatessen, or restaurant where I was able to have a normal, everyday human conversation with people from many different walks of life. One thing among them was a constant. Their love of America.
Ronald Reagan was sleeping next to Nancy one night when the phone rang. It was Mikhail Gorbachev.
“Hey, Ronnie, it’s Gorbie.”
“Oh, how are you?”
“Hey, it’s night time there, right?”
“Yup, three in the morning.”
“Good. Clear night?”
“Seems so.”
“Hey, look out the window! Take a look at the moon!”
Reagan leans over and gazes at the moon and it is completely colored red.
“How do you like? Painted it this morning! Ha, ha!”
Reagan hangs up the phone.
The next night, Gorbachev is sleeping and his phone rings.
“Hey, Mickey, take a look out the window.”
Gorbachev gazes up and sees the words, “Coca Cola” written across the moon.
“Anything else you need fixed?”
Awesome joke, right? And it just shows you how Europeans felt about the ingenuity of Americans. In a world that the Left insisted hated Reagan, hated America, hated the Right wing parties, the common man in Europe was cheering us. And that is the core problem with Leftism. They need the world to hate us. It is their mission in life to propagate the lie that Europe is advanced in culture and in science. In fact, it is so advanced beyond anything that we stupid Americans are capable of comprehending, that we must BECOME like Europe. The only problem with that mentality is that so much of Europe wants to BECOME more like us.
Remember that they have had centuries of oppression, religious and otherwise, in both government and culture. They have been forced in so many ways to toe the Socialist, Communist and Fascist line that there was nothing in the way of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, etc. There was no freedom of thought. To quote a great band, you were just “another brick in the wall.” A wall upon which was heaped all the aristocratic systems of keeping you in your rightful place.
The Left in a nutshell, really. The back of the bus. Democrats are now attempting that same mentality with reverting back to segregating the races. They’re literally calling for it in universities the nation over. And it is being bought, hook, line and sinker by the very people for whom the oppression was applied in the first place.
That aside, Hillary Clinton is continuing the legacy of Leftist who find it necessary to continue degrading America and letting us know just how pathetic and uncultured we really are. Recently, she made a point of calling Trump and his supporters (not by name, of course) which is half of the voting public of America, basically ignorant of foreign culture and unable to grasp the big picture of globalism and what it means to the rest of the world. What other people around the world who hate us need (in other words, what terrorists need) are love and hugs…and an understanding of their food.
In essence, she finds a detestable amount of Americans who don’t take the time to “get to know” people in other cultures. This, coming from a woman who has never “gotten to know” middle America. This, from a woman who called all of those people she is, in fact, ignorant of, deplorable and irredeemable. Oh, yes, Hillary…you’re just sooo enlightened! We’re nearly eclipsed by your humility and ability to commiserate with the filthiness of American life. I know you’ve told us, over and over, just how dirt poor you were when you left the White House. So, I get it. You’re just one of us.
So, Hillary lectures, “This is not a time to lash out, to incite fear, or to use tragedy and terror for political gain.” Agree 100% with you there, Hillary. Like that time, when President Obama was using the San Bernardino tragedy to try to ban guns! Or when he used the Colorado movie theater shooting to try to ban guns! Or when you, yourself, used the Sandy Hook tragedy to try to ban guns! Or the Fort Hood shooting to be called “workplace violence” instead of Islamic terror to further the disinformation that the jihad wasn’t really happening! Or how about the Wellstone Memorial where your husband was laughing jovially, but then saw the camera, and immediately began fake crying! Or what about telling victims’ families of the Benghazi tragedy that it all occurred because of a video that no one saw? You mean, like that, Mrs. Clinton? I agree with you, we don’t need to be doing…that!
Now, if you’re suggesting that telling people the truth about Islamic terror and that people will lose their lives unnecessarily because of an antiquated 7th century ideology, that this is somehow lashing out, inciting fear or using tragedy and terror for political gain, then I’m going to have to part ways with your way of thinking, because I know how DIFFICULT it is for your ilk to not outright lie, tell untruths, or alternative truths, for political gain. I think if we continue to kid ourselves and just say that everything is sunshine and daisies, then you’re in a ship named the Lusitania, about to be torpedoed.
The un-shut-uppable woman has spoken once again. And the gibberish that has issued from the gaping hole in the front of this woman’s face is one completely ridiculous bald-faced hypocrisy after another. Let’s hope that the un-shut-uppable man steps in this week to eclipse what she’s spewing, because I’ve really had enough of her excrement.
Tell you what, Hillary…you go and hug and love the terrorists. Me? I’m gonna cap ’em.
She has done lost her mind! It’s not us, it’s them who don’t want to assimilate, they want to take over instead …
I’m glad you’re not our President!
IOD and smart voters who didn’t allow her to guide us into HELL! suggest that she just do it – then report back to us how well it worked out! WOW – THANK G
Oh yeah right! Ok Hillary, YOU go love on them and hug their smelly bodies, better yet why don’t you go live in one of the Muslim countries and see how long you can keep your head on.
Liberalism is like a disease and it’s spreading like wild fire! They think they are right! They would rather be right than alive and free!
Liberalism is like a disease and it’s spreading like wild fire! They think they are right! They would rather be right than alive and free!
You first, Shrilliary!