If there’s anything entertaining about Hillary Clinton’s speeches, besides the lies and how often she stumbles on her words, it’s the people behind her. They’re all very stereotypical. You have the clapping African-American, the angry feminists, the retired hippies and the sexually ambiguous individual who can’t decide if they want to be a man or a woman, but actually looks like a red-headed Dana Carvey. Believe it or not, as different as all of these people are, they actually share one specific trait, none of them seem to understand what Hillary is saying. How can they? After all, they don’t speak dog.
Who left the dogs out? Hillary!
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The person allotted to bark every time hillary lies is already dead.
Omg love this.
Hated by the world…
Liberal scum..
With the 200000 in furniture and art she got caught with, I wonder if and how much Obamas slipped out of the Whitehouse in 8 years with his buddies coming to visit.
Let her team up with a duet with Snoop Dog……….
So STUPID,thats all she can do is bark
She should have been down on all fours while she was barking because hillary is a dirty rotten evil$#%&!@*