With the likelihood of a Trump vs. Hillary race in November looking as high as it could possibly be, the Democratic frontrunner has started focusing her fire on the populist GOP candidate.
Speaking at a campaign event, the former Secretary of State tried to rile up her supporters by taking a swing at the real estate tycoon. Indeed, she sought to use the Donald’s vast wealth and extensive background in business as wedge to drive between him and her audience.
Trying to paint Trump as an out-of-touch elitist, Clinton said that he should “get out of those towers” and actually talk to average people, so as to get an idea of what issues they are concerned about and hope the next president will look into.
Of course, anybody who is even slightly familiar with Hillary’s financial situation and expensive lifestyle knows that this is rich (no pun intended) coming from her. Judging by the adulatory response of her supporters, they clearly do not.
See video of Hillary’s remarks on the next page:
He built his you bought yours. That’s the difference.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—-
Trump Tower
The Trump Organization is an American privately owned international conglomerate based in Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. It serves as the principal holding company for Donald Trump’s business ventures and investments. It is owned and managed by Donald Trump and three of his eldest children—Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump—serving as EVPs within the organization.
Maybe she should move to these countries and help their women and children with their ‘women’s rights’. Any bets how long she would last??!!
Hillary is a hypocrite and always will be
eat your heart
Trump doesn’t play Hillaries childish games. The day is coming upon Hillary that all the riches and power she has will fall. Her lost will be tremendous, her payback will be hell.
You kill people your husband rapes women but yet you women still back her are you telling me you women support rape
She is a hipicrite, she requires every group that she speaks for or at, to provide her with a jet, special private rooms for her and her entirouge , she owns two mansions herself. She and Billy, are very rich!! And yet sge keeps claiming that Mr. Trump, is the only one with a jet, or mansions!! Boy, what a liar!! You know how you can tell when she is lying? When her lips are moving!! Come on America, lets quit letting her lie to us!! Remember Bengahzi!! She sure lied to us then, and to the families of the dead,sge said,” they died because of a video that offended some muslims!!! LIAR!!!!
Hillary you are such a joke…you live in a tower… your self…
they were dead broke when they left the white house wish j was dead broke like mao crooked hillary