With the likelihood of a Trump vs. Hillary race in November looking as high as it could possibly be, the Democratic frontrunner has started focusing her fire on the populist GOP candidate.
Speaking at a campaign event, the former Secretary of State tried to rile up her supporters by taking a swing at the real estate tycoon. Indeed, she sought to use the Donald’s vast wealth and extensive background in business as wedge to drive between him and her audience.
Trying to paint Trump as an out-of-touch elitist, Clinton said that he should “get out of those towers” and actually talk to average people, so as to get an idea of what issues they are concerned about and hope the next president will look into.
Of course, anybody who is even slightly familiar with Hillary’s financial situation and expensive lifestyle knows that this is rich (no pun intended) coming from her. Judging by the adulatory response of her supporters, they clearly do not.
See video of Hillary’s remarks on the next page:
Traitor. …..
Robert Walsh Very Low guess…….probably 4 times that
I have noticed that 95% of the people standing behind her in any given picture are black. I guess she’ll do for them as much as obama has, NOTHING
such a liver she is.. I can’t believe the people believe her and they don’t look to see what she’s done people have died for her stupidity
Trump never built any thing you stupid moron He owes billions in bankruptcys!!! He doesn’t even own trump towers!!! They borrowed his name!!! He should have more money with the 250 million daddy gave him!!!he only hires ILLEGALS wake up you idiots!!! He ships AMERICA jobs overseas! !!!He has 250 lawsuits against him!!! Trump university will put him in prison vary soon! If he was paying for his own campaign he would go 3rd party and quit begging the republicans for back.you STUPID twit!!!!!he ripped off the veterans. Numerous failed company’s!!!TOMAS BENSON TRUMP LOOKS FOR STUPID PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!! VOTE HILLARY 2016!!! TAKING BACK AMERICA! !!!!
So out of touch with America!
David Saidana , you got that info from your Liberal Handbook didn’t you ? Well who you voting for Bernie or Hillary ?
Four wouldn’t scratch the surface of the Murders at the hands of the Clinton’s!!
What a egotistical crone