With the likelihood of a Trump vs. Hillary race in November looking as high as it could possibly be, the Democratic frontrunner has started focusing her fire on the populist GOP candidate.
Speaking at a campaign event, the former Secretary of State tried to rile up her supporters by taking a swing at the real estate tycoon. Indeed, she sought to use the Donald’s vast wealth and extensive background in business as wedge to drive between him and her audience.
Trying to paint Trump as an out-of-touch elitist, Clinton said that he should “get out of those towers” and actually talk to average people, so as to get an idea of what issues they are concerned about and hope the next president will look into.
Of course, anybody who is even slightly familiar with Hillary’s financial situation and expensive lifestyle knows that this is rich (no pun intended) coming from her. Judging by the adulatory response of her supporters, they clearly do not.
See video of Hillary’s remarks on the next page:
Hypocrite, nothing more to say…. well, there’s LIAR, MURDERER, RACKETEER, TRAITOR, did I say LIAR ? ? ? Vote Trump !
candidatean for president of this country…… how?
She is such a joke. How can ANYONE EVER TRUST HER.
Trump is to STUPID to be president! ! VOTE HILLARY 2016!!! TAKING BACK AMERICA! !! Stay in your tower trump. Oh I forgot you don’t owe it.Ha ha
Lol that’s going to go over like a lead balloon who is she to tell him that when she owns how many properties give me a break
Yep don’t like her for so so many reason’s as you all are posting here and there’s a ton more I bet to add but lets look at all the crazy knucklehead’s still voting for her that’s where the big problem is so many people are so blind to the b******t this bagface big mouth hag has done and is doing that it’s just sad seeing how dumb and low this country has gotten over the years……Still love my country but will so much more with Trump leading the way
PRISON for killary TRAITOR
Killary ….. A very sad alien …. Please phone home and leave us alone.
Ha! Ha! Ha! He will..Killer…he will…..in January 2017……hes moving into the White House…but when HIS Term is up….he won’t be trying to empty everything out of it ..like you & billy bob did..Ha! Ha! Ha!
Hmm Saldana he’s stupid huh. He’s built a multibillion dollar corporation. Which employs tens of thousands men, women, cultures, ethnicities, races etc. Has worked deals around the world to his benifit. Has used the laws as they are written the same as anyone else in situation to his benifit. Is personally worth billions, is paying for his run from his own pocket not asking for donations from people but never saying where or how it’s being used or spent. So exactly how is Hillery sooo much smarter and in her whole career except living off We the Peoples$#%&!@* Exactly what has she ever actually done?