“I am running for President to protect our families and our communities from the plague of gun violence,” Hillary told the crowd in Virginia. “It is heartbreaking and infuriating that we lose an average of 90 American’s every day… it’s not just an urban problem…” She goes on to lists various places that have tragically had gun violence, but not once condemns the man pulling the trigger.
As in typical leftist fashion, she condemns the very thing that keeps her safe, the guns that follow her around the country, but the average American cannot have them, as there is a plague.
Read more on page two.
Look she knows the truth about gun violence! She wants our guns so she and Soros can finish us off as a country and we can’t fight back!!!! Don’t let this witch fool you!!!
The plagues gonna come down on her real hard
Who’s going to protect us from you? You POS.
She is only trying to protect the government from it’s legal citizens. The reason the second amendment was worded the way it was “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” was for the legal citizens of the United States to protect themselves from an tyrannical over reaching government much as the one we have now. DON’T become a subject again. King George or king ODUMBASS pretty much assholes from the same$#%&!@*
TRUMP may say things that people don’t like, but he is not a CORRUPT CRIMINAL and LIAR like KILLARY………………WE MUST STOP CORRUPT CROOKED LYING KILLARY…If she gets into OUR White House she will appoint the next Supreme Court Judge…GOD Forbid it be the MUSLIM POS OVOMIT. This will affect US, OUR CHILDREN and OUR GRAND CHILDREN for years to come. She will do her best to cost us OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, While keeping the Secret Service ARMED to protect HER SORRY$#%&!@*!!!! She will FLOOD OUR COUNTRY WITH SYRIANS, TERRORISTS, and ILLEGALS…. OUR Borders will NEVER BE CLOSED. AND all of this we will be FORCED TO PAY for with her PROMISED RISE IN TAXES on the MIDDLE CLASS. if that DOESN’T KILL US, we can always be BOMBED, BEHEADED, RAPED or MURDERED by ISIS….GET A CLUE, OPEN YOUR EYES, SEE HILLARY’S AMERICA , BUT THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU VOTE FOR THIS TRAITOROUS B*TCH !!!!!!….It is beyond me how so MANY can actually want to vote for this DESTRUCTION of OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!……………………….TRUMP 2016 !!!!!…
She has never protected anyone BUT herself
Who’s protecting us from you, Mrs. Clinton.
How can ANYONE believe ONE WORD this lying criminal says..People are just STUPID!
Liar! Spychopat!