“I am running for President to protect our families and our communities from the plague of gun violence,” Hillary told the crowd in Virginia. “It is heartbreaking and infuriating that we lose an average of 90 American’s every day… it’s not just an urban problem…” She goes on to lists various places that have tragically had gun violence, but not once condemns the man pulling the trigger.
As in typical leftist fashion, she condemns the very thing that keeps her safe, the guns that follow her around the country, but the average American cannot have them, as there is a plague.
Read more on page two.
Bahahahahahahahahaha yea right
attack the gun owners, attack the voters voting for Trump, attack the NRA, attack the Stock Market, attack Americans and give your blessings to illegals, terrorist and your criminal friends tells us onething$#%&!@* you are not gonna be our next President and continue to attack us all.
Why is this so hard to understand take guns away from citizens then only the criminals have guns just look at Chicago strict gun control and yet how many shootings a week damn open your blind eyes
What a joke this woman is. Not even worth naming her.
Sick killary time to give it up.
Hillary is running for the president to become a billionaire by corruptions.
Like you protected the men in bengazi.
This old stenchy hag is the reason I keep buying guns. Good grief.
This is a joke right? Especially, coming from this criminal that has a list of bodies behind her that would make Al Capone jealous.