The Atlantic Monthly, a solidly liberal publication, emerged with a financial expose of Hillary Clinton.
The Swiss bank UBS is one of the principal, most controlling financial institutions in the world. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton interceded to assist it with problems it was having with the IRS. Then, the Swiss bank promptly gave Bill Clinton $1.5 million for speeches. The Wall Street Journal recounted all that and more in a piece that highpoints the massive conflicts of interest that the Clintons have built up. Read more about this debacle on the NEXT PAGE:
Lying and stealing !!!!
All crooks try to use cover ups
hum then they r not broke after all didn’t think so from start
Poor grandma HRC
She is. Like Obama. Lies and lies . Take money from.Gov .
If she gets to be president I’ll be glad I already left and moved to a 3rd world country.
You know the Clinton’s motto:you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
Here is a photo of Hillary the one moment in a day that she isn’t lying about something!
And people want this maggot in the Oval Office ?