Hillary Clinton is an adamant opponent to the 2nd amendment and gun ownership. She is a liar and makes things up, such as claiming in the video below that 90% of the American people agree with her about “reasonable” gun laws along with 75% of gun owners. (Work the math and see if that pencils out.) Of course she cites no study or research supporting that, and the bigger question is if she actually believes that the 2nd amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms.
Move on to hear her refuse to say if there is a Constitutional right to bear arms:
As long as these people have stupid people voting for them the more corrupt the government will get!!!
She can’t regulate her husband
She is a commie.
They have already regulated enough they just need to enforce the laws on the books and leave it alone forever.
Gosh… it would appear that she either has never READ the U.S. Constitution or if she has, she has no clue what it means.
Lmao she is a muslimcratdemoratfaciastsocialistpig
Has anyone ever read a positive article about Hillary, neither have I. I don’t think there has ever been as many warnings about any candidate ever as there has been about Hillary and to no avail. The liberal morons just ignore the thousands of warning signs. How in the hell do we get through to these people? I have yet to find anyone with anything positive to say about Hillary. Oh they say never Trump in typical nasty liberal fashion but when they say they are voting for her they cannot come up with even one thing she has honestly accomplished. Seems like it is just the mindless following the mindless. It amazes me how anyone could vote for her if they were really objective and just accepted the fact that she has really accomplished nothing. Liberals just shut their eyes to the scandals that have followed this corrupt vile woman her entire career. That speaks volumes about liberals morals. The problem with the Clinton’s is you cannot trust them. the Clinton’s are influence peddlers. With them nothing is sacred they will sell any and everything that is not nailed down for the almighty dollar. They will sell favors to anyone who is willing and able to pay. They are two of the most corrupt people on earth. If she is elected president they will mine America for all its worth. Does anyone really want 4 to 8 years of the Clintons? They have proven over and over again that they don’t have an ounce of decency or character. Everything is pay to play with these two. Too date Muslim country’s have paid the Clinton foundation 280 million dollars. Muslims own the Clintons. And if elected she plans to bring 10,000,000 more here. She is a traitor who is selling her soul, and our country , to the devil just to line her pockets.