Hillary Clinton is an adamant opponent to the 2nd amendment and gun ownership. She is a liar and makes things up, such as claiming in the video below that 90% of the American people agree with her about “reasonable” gun laws along with 75% of gun owners. (Work the math and see if that pencils out.) Of course she cites no study or research supporting that, and the bigger question is if she actually believes that the 2nd amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms.
Move on to hear her refuse to say if there is a Constitutional right to bear arms:
Why would any human vote for her!
The second amendment protects us from the government dumb$#%&!@*not the other way around…………..
The govt should stay out of the rights given to the people of the United States of America. They want us defenseless and I will go down fighting for my rights. The most corrupt govt in history
Bitch you have no right to regulate any amendment to the bill of rights. If she gets one she’s not going to stop.
this$#%&!@*is nuts and in no way should get back in the wh
What the government needs to do Hitlary is regulate people like you from running any political office.
The American people should rise up and regulate the evil sadistic assholes destroying this country.