Hillary Clinton is an adamant opponent to the 2nd amendment and gun ownership. She is a liar and makes things up, such as claiming in the video below that 90% of the American people agree with her about “reasonable” gun laws along with 75% of gun owners. (Work the math and see if that pencils out.) Of course she cites no study or research supporting that, and the bigger question is if she actually believes that the 2nd amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms.
Move on to hear her refuse to say if there is a Constitutional right to bear arms:
Enough already
I don’t see that happening Arlene! Islam don’t believe in Jesus Christ as God Almighty! Islam will fall with the anti-christ into the bottomless pit!
Betty Owens Grissett yes but the 1st 10 amendments are off limits and not allowed to be changed as written into the documents by the founding fathers because they knew bureaucrats would try it the 1st chance they got. They are the whole support structure for fundamental freedom and not to be added onto or altered. States may add onto the Constitution such as the amendments that followed after but the Bill of Rights is supposed to be left alone
The domestic terrorist ( gangs ) are the reason the murder rate is so high !! You take thier violence out and the murder rate would be the same or even less than other civilized nations ! We must retake our cities and urban areas , by all means possible up to and including using special forces and in the worse areas like Chicago , declare a state of martial law until order is restored!
As I have said before that document belongs to us not the government, it regulates the government.
We don’t need more gun control we need illegal immigrant control and Muslim control ! We have to do a better job controlling the people we let into this country! !
STFU lying Puta!
The government should never regulate the mechanism that keeps it’s power in check.
The People Should Kick Your Traitorous$#%&!@*To Prison You Cheated and have not really won the Dem. Nom. you are a liar a Cheat and a Traitor to this Country !
For Donald J Trump
The 26 things that are truly important about Hillary instead of this left wing fluff:
# 1.
2. When did she know her husband was a serial abuser, and does she feel guilty for destroying his accusers?
3. Explain precisely the trades made in the Cattle Futures scandal where $1,000 was turned into $99,000 in a matter of weeks?
4. Why didn’t she do anything to protect the Americans in Benghazi?
5. Who is Saul Alinsky and why was he her mentor?
6. When she was working on Watergate, why did her boss Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, call Hillary a “liar” and “an unethical, dishonest lawyer” and have her fired?
7. What really happened with Travelgate?
8. What really happened with the Rose Law Firm?
9. What really happened with WhiteWater?
10. What gave Hillary the right to see private FBI files of her political enemies in FileGate?
11. Why won’t she turn over her illegal server with state department e-mails to congress?
12. Why does your foundation accept money from avowed terror states?
13. What is her take on the Vince Foster “Suicide”?
14. Why did she think she was entitled to steal the White House furniture when she left?
15. Why do you lie even about things that mean nothing: lying about being under sniper fire in Bosnia, lying about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, or lying that your grandparents were immigrants.
16. Should America be concerned that in ChinaGate, the 22 people that were convicted of fraud or for funneling Asian funds into the DNC were associates of Bill Clinton?
17. Did selling stays at the Lincoln Bedroom to political donors make you feel like a wh)o(re?
18. Does Hillary think Juanita Broadrick lied when she said on national news that Bill Clinton raped her?
19. Is she still okay that Bill goes to pedophile island with Jeff Epstein?
20. Why are there so many murdered and suicided people in the Clinton’s immediate circle?
21. Doesn’t the fact that the Clinton Foundation has to amend 5 years of its tax returns for improper reporting imply that you were involved in an illegal RICO enterprise?
22. Doesn’t approving the Russian-owned Uranium One deal as secretary of state–because of illegal contributions to your foundation–in fact make you a traitor to this country?
23. Was it wise to have at least four Clinton Foundation board of directors that have either been convicted or charged of the financial crimes of bribery and fraud?
24. Why, Hillary, did you pay your female senate staffers 72% of what you paid your male staffers?
25. When you represented an accused pedophile rapist, why did you laugh when you got him off even though you believed him to be guilty?
26. She said she had one e-mail address, it came out that she had two; She said she had one device, it came out that she had two: She said none of her e-mails on her private server was classified, but when the State Dept handed over 300 e-mails the FBI redacted large sections of one, proving again she was wrong. Thus, Ms. Clinton, are you incompetent or just a congenital liar?
Everyone should go on you tube and watch The Clinton Chronicles — it will amaze you what a couple of psychopaths the Clintons really are!
Islam is the enemy of the American way of life, It is a cancer that is growing within this country, fueled by American apathy.
Get out and vote, Trump across the nation, if you want jobs, if you want common core out of your schools, you want to feel safe from Islamic extremist !! Closed borders take this country Back from CAIR, MOVE ON, BLM, Muslim Brotherhood and Liberal Terrorist !! bring jobs back to America, if you want to get rid of unfair trade agreements Save our Country !!
He’s pro military, Vet’s & Police * Seal off the boarder * build that wall
a world class military, hardware, hacking, security, too good to fail !!
Like him or not, agree with him or not, it doesn’t matter. So far Trump is the only candidate who has shown that he “can up-set the apple-cart” and make things happen and he is exactly what America needs at this point !
He is the only one financing his campaign out of his own pocket.
Ends the gravy train of the establishment. Get rid of common core! Eliminate Obama care!
Give Social Security people a raise! Take care of Veterans
Cut out welfare for people that can work! Outlaw Lobbying and all other forms of bribery!
Trump’s tax plan! Term Limits! Balanced the Budget !!
Bring back employers who have gone abroad to escape taxes!
Ban and deport Radical Muslims ! ! deport illegals !! / Prosecute Hillary !
For those of you that are, die hard obanana nites, Knowing he doubled the debt, of every President before him !! Quadruple the price of food. Tried to stir a few race wars. Left US soldiers in Benghazzi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Gave guns to Mexican drug lords to kill Americans and the border patrol agents. Sent the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda. Armed ISIS and systematically slaughter Christians throughout the Middle East. Betraid Israel. Provided financing and technology to Irans nuclear weapons program.Gave our military secrets to China. Removed our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia. Shriveled our military, and betrayed our veterans. Crippled our economy. Increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Ruined our credit, Twice.Doubled African American unemployment. Increased welfare to a record level for eight years. Signed a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans. Set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay. Stole your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times.