Hillary Finds Commercial Flights to Burdensome

Not only is Hillary abusing her power to make her life more convenient, she’s using the armed forces to do so. It’s hard to imagine this is what they imagined themselves doing when they enlisted. And on top of that, she had some snobby demands to make of them.

Abedin quickly got the job done. “Plan confirmed. Its the c21, the little one that we’ve taken before. Will be at white plains ready for a 6pm departure,” she wrote. At 5:15 pm, 45 minutes before the departure time, Clinton had a change of plan.

“Will the plane wait if I can’t get there before 7-8?” Clinton asked.

“Yes of course,” Abedin replied.

The e-mails highlight the perks of serving as the nation’s top diplomat. It’s also likely to draw criticism from those who don’t believe the Air Force should be ferrying around the country’s politicians — with the exception of Air Force I and Air Force II for the president and vice president.

On the campaign trial, Clinton is using a private airplane owned by a Wall Street banker and donor to get to fund-raisers this week on the West Coast.

How does the other half live? No wonder she believes white privilege is real. Her entire life has revolved around being privileged and riding a high horse. Let’s hope that a second loss during a second presidential bid will bring her down a couple of pegs. That or a jail cell.

Source: nypost.com

Photo: CNSNews




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