There have been a number of sources of the email releases that have rocked this year’s presidential campaign like nothing in history. There are the well known releases of tens of thousands of emails by WikiLeaks that have revealed the inner workings of the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and its hired operatives, many of which document activities that are highly unethical and just plain illegal.
Then there is the well-publicized email scandal where Hillary Clinton used a private server with little to no security located in her home to transact business as secretary of state, a practices that has been shown to have put highly-classified material at risk of disclosure, another criminal offense.
Now a video has been released that shows deep connections between Mrs. Clinton and what might be called the “Shadow Government.” This relationship transcends whatever office she might hold at the time, and thus represents a threat to the people of the US regardless of who gets elected president this November. More on this disturbing development on page two.
Scott Mayberry
Please vote for hillary if you are or if you have family that lives in areas with poor economy, are gay, black, cross gender, disabled, Christain or female. We need the practices / legacy of the obama adminstration to continue. We need hundreds of thousands of refugees who will be supported by the trash American working people. We need to maintain the high level of education and job opportunities obama has brought to the black community. We need to maintain the status obama has brought to the gay, cross gender, alternitive sex groups. We need obamas example and increase the muslim leadership in our goverment to change our country to sheria law. A vote for hillary is the simple choice
Blows my mind that ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA is involved, we need to blackout all news other than the shows that hasn’t played us. Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, judge Jeanine, Charles Pain. Not to many, but if we blackout the shows, sponsors will leave, and spend that time with FAMILY & Our Saviour Jesus Christ! !
I agree…. always said that if she don’t know a classified email by now………… “You can’t Fix Stupid” !!!! Here’s Your Sign…… given to all who will vote for her…………. ah$#%&!@*..they cant read……………………….
Vote Trump to stop the NWO
Smoke & Mirrors Folks. FBI will not do Squat.. Just a Ploy to take attention off the Wiki leaks and the Rigged Election machines. Nothing more and nothing less.. Smoke & Mirrors..
The wise are already aware of the underground “Shadow” Government. We take notes!
It is called the Illuminati……..they control all elections. TRUMP HAS THROWED THEM INTO A TAILSPIN!
Keep voting for Trump!! This fbi reopening Hillary’s email case is just a distraction away from all the Wilkileak releases & new ones coming. Something is very fishy about the whole thing. Stay focused. Get out & vote TRUMP. Don’t let your guard down