The State Department is now making concerted efforts to retrieve and delete the Hillary emails.
Judicial Watch today released Obama administration correspondence containing a letter from Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick F. Kennedy asking Hillary Clinton’s lawyer to destroy all electronic copies of a classified email found in records Clinton decided to turn over to the State Department six months before. Read this Bombshell on the next page:
Getting too close to Obuma????
jail to her ,
commies what u want to hide
nope, don’t think so
Yes they do
It’s Obama and the government. They want their agenda completed. Who doesn’t know this by now?
Then the State Department will be in violation of Title 18, Section 2071; Concealment and Destruction of Govt. Documents.
Use all means available, to assure safeguards to keep those e-mails as super protected evidence! Do not allow editing, alteration, or disposal! Maintain certification of containment, and traceability!
Makes me wonder what they are wanting to hide that badly and why all of the vitriol over Julian Assange. There are way too many questions that we must have answers to and perhaps the latent answers on on those very drives.
Destroy her then with it.