Fanatical supporters of Hillary Clinton interviewed at the Democratic Executive Committee Conference all agree the former first lady ought to be the next American president; they’re certain of it! But when they are asked to support that devotion with facts about Clinton’s achievements as Secretary of State they all hit a snag.
Apparently even for elite liberals at the Democratic National Committee Winter Meeting, Hillary’s did nothing praiseworthy in her four years as Secretary of State.
Fanatical is a nice word for NUTS!
Blindly following…maybe we should just herd them towards a cliff like buffalo…
Throughout the history of mankind, NOT ONCE has tyranny been swayed but by force.
aahhh Aaaaahhh AAaahhwell Aahhhh o-o=o
not a one knew what she had done. NOTHING
canyou belive these morrons? they must have voted or barry,wake up morron,s she’s amurderer, bengarzi.
I bet they would have just as much trouble with obama’s “accomplishments” after they mentioned his disaster called obammacare.
Sounds about right.. Blind devotion to Hillary Clinton, BUT no real facts to back up the devotion to her being a Democrat.. An accurate assessment of the Democratic Party these days..
Her lone accomplishment is being a lifetime politician. Let that sink in for a minute…….
LOL elite liberals. nothing like a good old fashioned oxymoron. lets call a spade a spade and admit that conservative separatist are at war with poor people. just watch that fox propaganda machine and you’ll see how hateful they have become towards anything not high society. I mean it’s like they get all butthurt when they find out a poor black or Mexican American eats a piece of fish. because fish is so uppity and poor people shouldn’t be allowed to eat anything according to them.