After a 2-1 vote in Houston, TX that prevented biological men from using female bathrooms, as well as not force employers to hire or continue paying employees who decide to be members of the opposite sex, contradicting feminists are in an uproar, including presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.
In a tweeted response, Hillary Clinton claimed that everyone deserves full and equal protection under the law and claimed that she still has a lot of work to do. That statement doesn’t make any sense for two reasons. One, allowing somebody to use the bathroom of the opposite sex has nothing to do with being protected under the law. Bathrooms are separated by gender for a reason. Second, Hillary Clinton’s interest in transgender issues completely contradicts her supposed interest in feminist issues.
Read more about this contradiction on the next page.
Two faced$#%&!@*
Ya, we need one just like M,erkel in Germany, She has the country on the brink of civil war….
Killery you decided to use your intelligence for the wrong and bad so your are going down.
Which way is the wind blowing?
Obama is the first female president
Not Hilary!!
Cruz is the man for the job!!
Males can never be females ever biologically proven. Hillary promoting transgender male in showers is a violation of civil rights of women and violation of privacy rights of women. Post that in headlines.
THIS IS A TOTAL desperation for votes she cant get normal americans to vote for her they all have her number so she will stick with getting gays and transvestites and illegals to vote gor her and more btoken promises she is despicable.
M O R O N …,..