According to new legal filings brought before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton never completed any security briefings or the courses on how to handle classified materials. While they’re still trying to figure out where to blame goes for this, it has renewed calls for Hillary to be stripped of her security clearance.
State Department officials had previously released reports that they could not locate any records that Clinton or her aides took the annually required security courses. Well, now we know why. No doubt, Hillary will find somebody else to blame this on, but if the overwhelming evidence (that’s always against her) proves anything, it’s that she ignored the obligation to take courses and briefings. Apparently she thinks she’s above all of that, and those above her obviously felt the same way, which would explain why her email server was found in a bathroom in Colorado.
Read what the State Department’s spokesman said about it on the next page.
Corruption and Stupidity runs rampant in The Obama and Clinton Staffs!!!!!!! Talk About UNFIT FROM BEGINNING TO END!!!!!!!!! They have some nerve wanting to continue the insanity!!!!!!!!
Richman Chelsea Hello, Everyone I have to give this testimony of how Prophet alafia intervene in my marriage, as I had a problem with my spouse 4 years ago, which led to our Break up and was even about to be divorced.. I was not myself again, ever since then my life have been filled with pains and bitterness, i couldn’t imagine my life without him. I saw a testimony about a great man called Prophet Alafia and how he helps people around the world, that he can bring back lover within few days, actually I laughed it off and said I am not interested, but due to the love I have for my man, I consulted this great prophet and to my greatest surprise after 3 days my husband called me for the very first time in 4 years that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for everything he had done to me,he said he want me back and we are going to spend our life together and promise never to hurt me again.. I still can’t believe my eyes because it’s highly unbelievable! All I can say is thank you to Prophet alafia for bringing back my husband to me and my kids and for anyone who might need the help of this great Prophet, please permit me to drop his mail here: (prophetalafia@gmail .com)
So, this is the new excuse? She never received training, so she didn’t know what she was doing? So, now will come the search for scapegoats to prosecute for negligence and the queen walks free.
This woman can do no wrong in the eyes of the media and liberals and$#%&!@*some conservatives now for that matter. Hell in a handbasket…
This woman can do no wrong in the eyes of the media and liberals and$#%&!@*some conservatives now for that matter. Hell in a handbasket… I use the term woman loosely…
Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. Try telling a police officer that when getting pulled over that you did not know the speed limit was only 70 when you were doing 100.
What a lie…. Top secret security protocols were followed. I will bet my life on.. LIFE….
The media only manipulates for Hillary not against her. They have found no records of her ever completing anything she was supposed to do. It would be beneath her to take a course or so she thinks.
Hillary Clinton as with the rest of her ilk and obama’s entire ilk as well is a loathsome sad sorry miserable puny senseless abominable detestable repulsive pathetic disgusting no good heinously awful odiously unacceptable morally reprehensible despicable repulsive disgusting really putrid appallingly horrendously unconsionable waste of a woman and a foul nasty vile distasteful swine who should be punished and face their reckoning one way or the other with either life in prison without parole or execution one way or another either one or the other options for the punishment that they should face when their reckoning must happen also they’re all assmonkey’s the democrats