While Americans have been heavily focused on the upcoming elections and racism in the United States, many people seem to have forgotten about another real threat that America not only created but allowed to fester due to all of the indecision about how to handle it. And it doesn’t seem like there’s going to be much change if Hillary moves into the White House, as was demonstrated during the first presidential debate, where racism and social issues took center stage and very little was discussed about ISIS and how to handle them. Only Trump seemed to know what he was talking about when the topic arose.
Funny, right? Considering that Hillary Clinton has more alleged “experience” in handling foreign threats. Well, if her experience with Benghazi tells you anything, she’s deluded. In fact, her entire method of thinking is questionable at the best of times, and so is the irony in her claim to support the rights of women. Why is it ironic you might be asking? Well, as it turns out, the people funding Hillary’s campaign are also knee deep in human trafficking. That’s right. How’s that for a beacon of hope for gender equality? America’s first female president, whose campaign was funded by the trafficking of young women.
Read about the horrifying conditions of ISIS sex slaves and Hillary’s connection on the next page.
Exactly right, most dishonest people i know they are sticking with her. that is a leftist for you.
Sleeping with the Enemy !
this is what all the democrats are into because of all the money they can pocket, they do not care about people as long as they get the money.
I see a lot of talk from Facebook heros. If you want change, get off those asses and VOTE. Action is worth a thousand words. Take our country back.
Her and her friends are all evil.
“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other”
~Madelene Albright~
“Any women that supports rape, abuse, and killings of woman and children…. Is a true enemy of ALL women and children”
~Kay Stamps~
Domestic violence survivors/ mom & 3 kids
Hillary called us Deplorables
Democrats: Are you prepared for your daughter to be treated this way. . . Hillary is. Vote her in and explain this to your family.
Did you know that her “Intent” was to make these people “Entrepreneurs” NOT GUILTY!
Well written article and all should read it.