The Tale of Two Hillaries continues this week, with yet another flip-flop on a major policy issue, immigration.
Ever since Trump called for a more extensive wall to be build along our southern border (and to make Mexico pay for it, of course) its become fashionable for liberal, leftist politicians to call the wall racist. Bernie Sanders has had the audacity to diminish the fears of Americans who live among the murder and drug crime along our U.S. border, and wherever Bernie goes, Hillary follows. She’s been pulled so far to the left its a wonder she hasn’t started to condemn her own comment she makes just months earlier on any given topic.
Luckily, media sites that aren’t in bed with the perpetually pantsuit-clad politician are picking up on her hypocrisies, and are airing them for all to see.
See her latest flip-flop on the wall on the next page:
another big fat lie from Hillary!! she should just keep her lying lips shut all of the time.
saying anything to maybe get a vote, this POS isn’t fit to lead a dog to the park……vote TRUMP for a better America for Americans!!!
That lady secure her mom over it make her look good
Dumb bitch
Some one find out what kind and where she got that crack , that’s some serious$#%&!@*!!!
What a shame.
Bye Hillary after this defeat I’m feeling good about you and Bill fading away for ever!
Another one that should be put in a mental institution next to Odumbass and Sanders. Along with anyone that believes them.