The Tale of Two Hillaries continues this week, with yet another flip-flop on a major policy issue, immigration.
Ever since Trump called for a more extensive wall to be build along our southern border (and to make Mexico pay for it, of course) its become fashionable for liberal, leftist politicians to call the wall racist. Bernie Sanders has had the audacity to diminish the fears of Americans who live among the murder and drug crime along our U.S. border, and wherever Bernie goes, Hillary follows. She’s been pulled so far to the left its a wonder she hasn’t started to condemn her own comment she makes just months earlier on any given topic.
Luckily, media sites that aren’t in bed with the perpetually pantsuit-clad politician are picking up on her hypocrisies, and are airing them for all to see.
See her latest flip-flop on the wall on the next page:
Or the fence around the BLACKHOUSE!!
go back to your lesbo, you freak, where? is that why we are flooded with illegals, because you and demon obummer did such good job with the security? Come back to reality, if you can, there might be BIG bucks for you somewhere
This is proof that the Democrats do not care about America.
80 million illegals that we know of is a complete failure and a security risk to this country. Secure the border and deport illegals. The government is obviously incompetent, corrupted, and doesn’t care what the people want. They are allowing a criminal Hillary Clinton to run for presidency. The government is so corrupt, I no longer accept it. Too many lies, and the establishment lost all credibility. Time for America to join together and rid the country of its rotten politicians, special interests, super delegates, and shadow government.
STFU Hillary, you geriatric old geezer. The border isn’t secure, and sanctuary cities like San Francisco only make the illegal alien problems worse.
Been plenty more proff. I was sick with a long illness and then my son got sick and died in November during the last election. I’m not in any way responsible for hat dirt bag in the WH. Last time I did vote, Gore got the election stolen from him by his he Bushes stealing he votes in FL. That turned me against politics for a while. I’m a moderate I suppose. Most years I vote for the Republican party but some years if the Republican side is so bad, I may change over. I have voted for Trump and will do it again in November. I pray he becomes our next President and the Washington thugs dont steal it with crooked voting machines. I do feel like Trump will meet his quota to be nominated.
Another lie coming out of her mouth
More lies.