The Tale of Two Hillaries continues this week, with yet another flip-flop on a major policy issue, immigration.
Ever since Trump called for a more extensive wall to be build along our southern border (and to make Mexico pay for it, of course) its become fashionable for liberal, leftist politicians to call the wall racist. Bernie Sanders has had the audacity to diminish the fears of Americans who live among the murder and drug crime along our U.S. border, and wherever Bernie goes, Hillary follows. She’s been pulled so far to the left its a wonder she hasn’t started to condemn her own comment she makes just months earlier on any given topic.
Luckily, media sites that aren’t in bed with the perpetually pantsuit-clad politician are picking up on her hypocrisies, and are airing them for all to see.
See her latest flip-flop on the wall on the next page:
Someone better find a legal way to get this guy OUT OF the White House!!! NOW!!!!! He has put the pedal to the floor just in the last month!!! WE are sinking fast!!! Obama is trying to make America a Communist country! It seems he has everything in place!! Here is a little bit on Obama!!! He is behind the Bureau of Land Management, land grabbing, they shot a farmer in the back for his land in Oregon and they have been trying to grab land in other states!! He is trying to approval to give social security and disability to ILLEGALS!!! Hillary Clinton, did a thesis in college on Saul Alinskys writings AND Barrack Hussein Obama wrote about him in his books. Saul Alinsky was a communist socialist. Alinskys rules are currently at play!! There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a Liberal Socialist state. Healthcare, control healthcare and you control the people (done).
Poverty, increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live (done).
Debt, increase debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty (done).
GUN CONTROL, remove the ability to defend themselves from the government, that way you are able to create a police state (working on it).
Welfare, take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing, and income (done).
Education, take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in schools (done).
Religion, remove the belief in the God from the government and schools (done).
Class warfare, divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor (done).
DOES ANY OF THIS SOUND LIKE WHAT IS HAPPENING in the United States?? Alinsky simplified Vladimir Lenins original scheme for the world conquest by Communism, under Russian rule. STALIN described his converts as ” Useful Idiots”. The Useful Liberal idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It’s presently happening at an alarming rate in this United States. If people can read this and still say everything is just fine, they are all useful idiots, it’s difficult to free fools from the chains they revere! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Hillary Clinton a Liberal Socialist, is running for office! She is backed by George Soros, a Communist Socialist, who backs and controls BARACK Hussein Obama!! If Ted Cruz or any of the other candidates get elected they are controllable, NOT Donald Trump! VOTE TRUMP he is the only Establishment person trying to stop all of this!!!
whack job lady, delusional!
What?!!!! What?!!!
April Fool!
What Border? is she talking about? my head just keeps spinning. Must be the border around capitol hill
What country are u talking about
She has learned this from Obama. IGNORE REALITY.