The “free everything” sweepstakes is underway in the Democratic primary. Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are locked in a fierce battle to determine who can promise their constituents more free stuff.
Sanders — who makes no qualms about being a socialist — has promised everything from free healthcare to free college tuition, all of which will be paid for by “the 1%.” Sanders has said recently that he would support a tax of up to 90% on the wealthiest Americans’ incomes. Additionally, he wants to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2020. Sanders’ free stuff giveaway isn’t the only gravy train in town, however.
In 2016 — just as in 2008 — Hillary Clinton has two serious problems with her campaign. She has extremely low support among younger voters and her opponent seems to have all of the momentum heading into the home stretch.
To try to combat these problems, Clinton has pulled even farther to the left on a host of issues. Her primary strategy has been to pander to minority voters who don’t seem sold on Sanders. In an attempt to secure the Latino vote, Clinton has announced that she will devote an entire federal agency to advocating for and helping illegal immigrants. To read about Hillary’s plan to help the illegals, continue reading on the next page:
Like obama, she will stop at NOTHING to win.
NO way.
Killery is very stupid, she’s never accomplished anything in her life.
Butch Dey very true thats why im voting for the business man not the crooked politicians
They can’t read or write so how do they integrate, plus they lack any marketable skill, just like you.
Gerald Froehlich praise that i ask my friend why she for him she said he is the only honest one so i told her truths she does not get it that he plans to make our usa into a sovereign country with canada and mexico he will be a king not a president i do not understand why any usa citizen would want cruz after obama he is a naturalize citizen not natural born there is a BIG difference i honestly believe cruz will be worse than obama he even supports h-1b visas that takes away our jobs and given to muslims i tell everybody go back watch debates for october through december when all candidates attacked trump and now they pretend to want what trump does they are liars look what he did to carson hes a cheater and not just on his wife who filed for divorce twice they were their true selves then promising everything to muslims just like this article states about hillary thy lie saying trump cant beat hillary only cruz they just do not get it as trump supporters will not support another illegal president and rubio his vp that would be two ineligibles in white house we will either not vote or vote hillary that is only way she will get into office as write in apparently will not be acknowledge this election ..sad as if cruz gets it his whole staff will be worthless including his vp
i cant understand why people back this thing up ..they must deaf .dumb . blind ..and a mental problem ..were loosin america
Thats all these motherfuckers do is set around trying think up excuses to grow government.Before you know it.Government out numbers private sector, and the just set up there and vote themselves more benefits.This countries fuckin DOOMED.